The best birthday gift I have ever received
I wish I could express or
Request all the lovely words
And make them say to you
What place you have in my life
It might take a million days
Maybe a few lifetimes
Yet it would incompletely say
The joys you brought to my life
And if I were to barter them
For things and people around
Not all thing in the world would
Equal to your worth in my life
Matters of the heart they say
Are better left unsaid
But the love that brims over
I wish a handful of it could I express
A lot of people may claim
That angels do exist and live
Ask me and I would proudly say
God gave one to me as a gift
And they may say this blind vanity
Is of no good to me but
even your hurts and pain
Have a special place reserved in me
And on your special day
I wish I could have gifted you, ample love
So much that could bring
Me back into your busy life
You will probably never understand
What place you hold in my soul
And I know that in your world
There is hardly space for me
I doubt if all of it makes any sense
There seems no rhyme or reason
Β Incoherent thoughts piled up
But I wrote to express not to impress
They say words express many things and they are intense.
PS -Today is my birthday π
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! π
Nice expression! Yes, it also makes an impression! π
Keep writing!
I Wish You A Very Happy B Day Stephen! God Bless You…
Very beautifully expressed poem π
Aw! Happy belated birthday Stephen π
I have a birthday gift for you π
I have nominated you for Liebster Award. check: http://aayesha1611.blogspot.in/2013/11/yippie-its-another-liebster-award-time.html π
Happy BirthDay.. D
Though I am late in wishing You but as they say–Its Better late than Never.. π
And Surely your friends have given you a very precious gift you can cherish forever. π
Oops… I got late with my wishes… many many happy returns of the day π
Belated happy birthday!
You have an amazing blog!! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please collect it here.http://bandragirl.wordpress.com/2013/12/10/chocolate-cake-and-my-first-award/
Belated Happy Birthday! π
You’re doing a great job Man. Keep up it.
King regards,
Mead Zacho