“Mr. Self Proclaimed Artist, show some love , please,” she begged.
“I’m busy,” he replied.
“Always busy,” she said with a sad face.
“Sketch me!”
“Fine, Challenge Accepted.” He started scribbling on his canvas.
Few Hours later.
“See here!” He pointed towards the drawing canvas.
“Fuck!” Her eyes welled with tears.
“Why crying?” He asked curiously.
Read Next part – The Eye of the Beholder
So what happens next? Come back tomorrow 🙂
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What happens next 😯
is it like a 26 part story?
@Chandnimoudgil / theaddress.wordpress.com
Yes, to know what happens you should come tommorrow for letter B 😀
You get to read tomorrow 😀
My curiosity is piqued. Coming back tomorrow to know why the tears!
Coming back tomorrow!!
A relay story…I would love to see how it unfolds:-)
Was it that bad or that good… Hmmm curious
Reminds me of the sketch my husband scribbled claiming its me. I had a similar expression but for a reason that it was in no way even close to my face.Will come back tomorrow to see what awaits.
Do drop by:
Intrigued at the tears… will come back tomorrow to know more about He and She 🙂
Yes see you tomorrow 🙂
Yes 🙂
Hope it unfolds well :)and you will like it.
Come back tomorrow to see if it was that bad or good 😀
Haha so this plot is something similar to yours 😛 yes you will know tomorrow.
Yes tomorrow you will know the reason for such a reaction 😀
Love the Bitmoji! Can't wait to read more of the story..
Twitter: @KnottyMarie
Literary Gold
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Thank you Mary 🙂 I hope you will come back for the next part of the stories 🙂
Fun read so early in the morning 🙂
I must say this is an amazing start to the morning. Anxious to read further more!
Ashmita Chatterjee,
Great start for your A to Z challenge! I love the idea of a 26-part story. @abetterjulie from PersephoneKnits
Hey Ronel thanks ..I'm glad you find it fun 😀
Thanks Ashmita. I just hope that this story turns out well
Yes but it has its own challenges ..thanks for stopping by 🙂
Uh-oh! Doesn't sound like she's at all pleased. Clever to keep us hanging so of course, we have to come back. ☺
Wow! This is super cool! He n She sound interesting! Coming back tomorrow for sure Stephen!
Yes she seems so but really she feels that then you should come back tomorrow 🙂 thanks Deb
Yay I'm so happy to see you here :)thanks for visiting
Waiting for tomorrow!!!
See you tomorrow 🙂
Ste…I was so much away from Blogging and today when I read you….it feels like i was here just yesterday….Again a pleasure reading you….eager to read the story…! If I am right….I will be here the entire April to get the entire story 😉
here's my take:
This comment has been removed by the author.
why oh why…did he make her fat….just wondering!
Shubhangi @ The Little Princess
haha.. this is gonna be awesome. a whole story 🙂
Tv Shows: A – Agents of SHIELD
Haha you will know that tomorrow 😀
I do hope it turns out to be one 😀
I'm sure you will be here in the month of April..thanks..nice seeing you again 🙂
Was he actually drawing a sketch of her? Curious???
@w0rds4u from As time Flies
That you can only know tomorrow 😀
Hehe, will surely come bck tmrw 🙂
I will be waiting for you 🙂
Surely coming back tomorrow to know about consequences of art attack.
@Manisha_Awasthi from
The Nimble Mime
Thank you Manisha 😀
Okay! will be back tomorrow!
Tina from Twinkling Tina Cooks
Thank you Twinkling Tina 🙂
Wow.. am still guessing.. okays have to be back then 🙂
So what did you guess? 😀
The ART Attack turned out to be quite emotional!
Waiting for part 2…
– Chicky Kadambari @ http://www.mysteriouskaddu.com
You don't know what happens next 😀 😀
Doesn't this sound vaguely familiar like the way people always ask me to write something about them?
Hope you had a great first day! 🙂
Yes, great first day. Oh do they? Then you should write about me too 😛
I hate when I have to wait for a day to read what happens next! 🙁
But yet loved the start! 🙂
Well some waits are good… come back tomorrow 🙂
Is this going to be a story? I'm looking forward to it.
A Few Drops of Ink
Yes, that would be a story 😀 Thanks 🙂
He would have drawn the exact replica of her, I guess. Wow! That would make me teary-eyed as well. Looking forward to reading more! 🙂
Very interesting, I look forward to seeing what happens tomorrow.
@magickislife from
My Creatively Random Life
What did he drew?? I'm curious to know!
Nibha @ Expressions Arriving Late
Interesting story, will wait to see how it unfolds.
You need to add your twitter handle @inGeniousty to your tweets… it does not shpw , I tried both of them.
What is going to happen next? Waiting for it.
Reema D’souza from
Reem Writes…
Perception is everything, and who knows how an artist will perceive and sketch his subject. Can't help by think about Picasso and the off-centered eyes and other body parts!Glenda from
Evolving English Teacher
Haha you never know.. 😛
Yes 🙂 I hope tomorrow is a good day for her
You will know every thing tomorrow 😀
I don't know how to configure it on the bottom button but its configured on the one on left bar. Thanks for the appreciation. 🙂 Your first post was good too . 🙂
Something will happen next 😉 Wait and watch my friend
Thanks Glenda 🙂
Great plotting..Waiting for tomrw now.. 😀 😛
Such a bad reaction! 😛
Writing a short story in limited word is very challenging.. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Yes you will know why in the next post 😀
She must have gone in past or she must have found it too beautiful…just guessing!!! Curious to know if I my guess is anywhere near? :O
The next part is up… You could read it 🙂
very catchy. Gotta follow!
An internal challenge within a challenge. We'll see how it all plays out.
Thanks Janet… The next part is up 🙂
I hope it came out well 😛 next part is out
This is intriguing… Awaiting the story on next alphabet .:)
That looks pretty darn interesting.. I'm curious!
Thanks bro, its already up 😀
Thanks 🙂
Just a perfect start!
Liked the short and precise post.
Things are about to get interesting i suppose!
@Lanzomaniac via One Sun, Many Rays
Wow! that's an artistic start to a story 🙂
Loving the idea of short & crisp scenes but the wait to the next is going to be a difficult one.
My Era @theerailivedin
The Era I Lived In
Thanks I am glad you like it 🙂
Interesting start :).
Thanks Aseem 🙂
He has drawn her as she really is inside. A really good portrait?
Just a guess. Reading on to see if I am right 🙂
I'm gonna sit here and read the whole thing now. Why did she cry? Happy tears or sad ones?
Deepa’s Kaleidoscope
😀 Yes read on to know if you are right 🙂
Thanks Deepa 🙂