“You okay?” Ashok asked.
“Actually, tensed,” Deepika replied, “You know my family will disown me forever.”
The sudden cool breeze kissed them as Ashok held his arms around Deepika.
They both were getting married today after several years of dalliance.
He looked straight into Deepika’s eyes and said, “You will always be mine.”
Deepika smile and said, “Yes, I trust you.”
“You look like a Queen in this attire,” Ashok said to Deepika.
“After all, I am a woman in a man’s body,” Deepika smiled.
They’d accepted themselves but the society didn’t! Acceptance is what they both craved for!
At the same time, Ashok’s cell phone beeped with a Times of India notification.
“India decriminalizes section 377. Gay sex is not a crime, says the Supreme Court in a historic judgment.”
Ashok screamed in joy and they celebrated this victory by kissing each other. Acceptance is what they both craved for and now India had accepted them and slowly society would!
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Lovely post. Love always wins. So happy for Ashok, his love and many others like him.
This post beams so much love and positivity. Good one! #myfriendalexa #surreads
Such a crisp message in a small post! Loved it.
Yes, finally! It is high time that all kinds of love be accepted by the law. Lovely short story.