After all these years. Why now? You must be wondering, right?
Yes, it’s been over 10 years of non stop blogging.
What have I achieved through blogging?
Blogging is a medium that I used to share the ideas strolling inside my mind. Be it anything – stories, poems, reviews etc. Whatever that touches my heart goes inside my blog. I have achieved many things through blogging. I have traveled across states and moved different places through blogging. I became friends with many amazing personalities who inspire me through their life. I learned to value creativity that I had previously wasted. Blogging gave me a chance to respect creativity. I learned from others and improved myself. Moreover it gave me a chance to connect with like minded people.
Why don’t I blog these days?
Well, It’s obvious that not every time your mind comes up with fabulous ideas. Certain ideas invoke the creativity within you. Being associated with art since young days, I realize the importance of creativity. It’s something that doesn’t makes you a boring person. If I got nothing worth doing, then you would find me brushing my 2B pencils on the canvas. That’s what I’ve been doing since last few weeks. But, I still write. But these days I feel that I have to force myself to make time. It’s obvious that you make time for things you love the most. But I believe that sometimes things shouldn’t be forced upon. It dawned to me that what I’m doing is not right. But sadly , I feel creativity handicap at the moment.
TOO much work these days gives me less time to focus on other things. These days I’m more of a Twitter person, talking about Politics, Blogging and Software Testing with the other Testing Gurus.The BLOG Haunts me. It beckons me to visit it again. But sadly I seem to pay no heed to its words. I’m sorry blog. I will try to be regular here. I can’t promise but I can assure you that I will be back some day. That day shall be soon!
Recently I discovered this new community #BlogChatter. I feel that BlogChatter is doing a very good job in bringing bloggers together and motivates them. Blogging isn’t all about writing, winning contests, earning vouchers, gaining views, hits etc. It is about expressing yourself.
I want to take my blog to the next level.
I want to bring back the good old days of blogging.
I want to connect with as many creative folks as possible.

I now tag Garima to write his take on the topic.
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Hi Stephen, I can understand what you are saying here. As long as you are creating something, art or fiction or poetry….its good! At the end of the day, one has to feel happy about what one is doing. If it feels like a chore, its no good then! All the same, hoping to read your posts soon 🙂
Agree with Kala!
Yes , you are absolutely correct. Thanks for dropping by
We need to do what we are comfortable with and provides us happiness.
Exactly, my point 🙂