Hurricane Florence has been the talk of the town. Due to its high intensity, it has the threat to destroy many cities across the east coast. The Governers of these eastern states have already declared a state of emergency in their respective states. My home state of North Carolina is on Hurricane Florence’s hit list along with the other Carolina. So, the situation is already tense and we can already see the lull before the storm in front of our eyes. We haven’t seen sunshine today and it clearly indicates something alarming. Though the hurricane Florence got demoted to category 2 today, it is tipped to strengthen as it goes deep into the inlands over the Carolinas. But instead of panicking because of the fear instilled upon by the hurricane Florence, some fun lovers have got to Facebook to destroy the hurricane. Check these fun events that are happening over these days.
Well, most of these individuals who have posted their views in this group appear to be students from the Duke University but yes some of their posts are too funny. Check it out for some fun. Ya, let’s take hurricane Florence and push it somewhere else.
Though the event name indicates that it is a fun event but the discussion there seems like some musical event is about to happen. People can be crazy at times. Unfortunately, I don’t have a saxophone so I can’t blow my saxophone at the hurricane Florence. Moving on to the next.
Well, President Trump was widely criticized for this act at Peurto Rico where Hurricane Irma and Maria had destroyed it. Puerto Rico is no longer the same because of these twin hurricanes. President Trump was throwing paper towels at the Puerto Rico folks instead of talking nice. Anyways, moving to the next event.
Of course, everyone thinks twice before hearing something during the moment of crisis such as storm and other natural calamities. Fake news can be very dangerous at times. So as per the event creator Brandom Smith, yelling fake news at the hurricane Florence can certainly scare it and it will go back to the Atlantic ocean. Yeah, right!
Well, heard of school party and pool party but Hurricane Party’s are the new cool kind of parties. Let Hurricane Florence punish the eastern coast but the party must go on! This is the about me of the event.
“THAT’S RIGHT !! THURSDAY NIGHT HURRICANE PARTY !!! Beautiful downtown Graham !! Join us for a fun night filled with lots of surprises… yummy dinner…great live music and…. well…… glasses and glasses of delicious HURRICANES !! Umbrellas are not required but strongly encouraged! Let’s all RIDE OUT (the night before) the storm TOGETHER !! Eric and Lisa Kyle will be crankin’ up around 7.. We’ll be ROCKIN’ !!”
Well, the PIVOT here is the reference made to the Show Friends. Check out the video here.
This is the second Hurricane Party group that I bump across today. This is fabulous and checks out the about me of this group.
“Florence looks like she is pretty set on coming our way. schools are canceled and the Mill Music Session is sadly postponed! Don’t let Florence ruin your entire week though. Finish getting prepared, get your batteries and your water and your gas and make sure your family is ready, then don’t just sit around and wait… come to hang out with us as we turn Wednesday into a Friday before the storm comes! We will be doing $1 off all draft all day! We will provide the snacks!”
PLUR expands to Peace Love Unity Respect which is a set of principles that is associated with the rave culture. Check this event
Well, I would definitely want to be a part of this party.
I am sure this must be created by some hardcore trump haters. Well, I don’t know how the Florence would react to such an event. Good Luck Hurricane Florence.
“This hurricane needs to cut it out, and Cosgrove is just the guy to tell her.” reads the event description.
Some core group of folks wants this Hurricane to cry. Check out their event description.”Hey guys hoping we can get a big group of Florence and the Machine fans together to play her music really loud to make Hurricane Florence really sad and cry and quit being mean. Will provide refreshments and free hugs!!! Hope to see you there for this good cause”
Well, will hurricane Florence go away if we pretend we can’t see her? Wow, logic!
Yeah, why not! Florence is an obedient schoolgirl right?! Well, all the best at pointing finger at Florence but I hope she listens to you.
Duke is a popular university in North Carolina and as per the latest hurricane trajectory, the hurricane Florence is anyways not hitting Durham. So stay cool and let’s not make her think about Durham
Well, let’s grab some free paper towels after the storm
Another funny event
Pre-Party? Oh yeah! Never underestimate the storm baby!
“There can only be one” is the about me of the group. Hurricane Florence or the Florence Welch.
You surely want to see the end of the world, don’t you?
“If fire doesn’t work I’ll throw more fire… if that doesn’t work, guess its time to take a nap.” that’s the event description. But either way I don’t have a dragon and I’m definitely going to take a nap all these hurricane days.
“Hurricane FLorence is a bit upset. Let’s do our best to calm her down before she can make a landfall in North Carolina.”
Well, Hurricanes are designed to be destructive and not calm down lol
Another funny event related to the Hurricane Florence
Yeah right. Hurricane Florence would be easily intimidated.
haha. Bruh, no Bruuh
Good one
For a change, some group of folks wants to welcome Florence
“YEET as loud and hard as you can at Hurricane Florence. Let’s show this sky wind hole who’s boss. YEEEEEEETTTT!!”
The event description is hilarious.
“Come on down to myrtle beach and pull them dicks out for Hurricane Florence! I don’t know science real good and stuff but I do know that NO woman wants to be around that many thirsty ass dudes with there dicks out! So Y’all come on down here and do your part and let’s save the world! #DicksOutForFlorence“
No Bruh, never do that for God sake.
Which one do you think is funny? I believe that it’s not right to joke about a serious storm like Florence… If it takes offense then it may destroy all of us for sure 😉 Don’t worry!
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Done with Hurricane shopping too.