The Ultimate Fall of her life – A short story
A scathing sensationΒ grippedΒ his chest as he held his arms around her shoulder. Though her heart sank deep in melancholy, her lips still curved into a pleasant smile as he looked at her. But there was a pain that felt no numbness. They were about to bequeath their life for their destiny proved them wrong. A silent tear copiously streamed down her cheeks. An invisible tear invaded his eyes too! Β
“Let’s Go.” She screamed. Β She moved his arms away and with this, he released his grasp. For a moment, he saw her fingers fluttering in the wind as she fell. Β

Her ebony dark strands clashed with the wind. Where will she go? What will she do? Β Over a thousand questions bombarded his mind. Β “Hey, Don’t leave me.” He screeched out in a broken breath. Β But by then there was no one to listen to his cry. She had already fallen! She had fallen for him for their love couldn’t be complete. He still saw her falling, her body greeted by the serene touch of the winter winds.Β Β
He immediately rushed down, fighting against the rocks and the pebbles that he encountered. He rolled down, injuring and hurting himself terribly. His heart skipped several beats as he went closer to her. But by then she had already descended heavenwards. The evening sky displayed various tracing patterns of orange and its shades. He stared at her innocent face. He stood there speechless! With hopes still alive, he sucked through her lips, to inject air that filled life. But that air only stunk of death. His eyes closed and he soon fell apart! Β Β
Interesting flash. First time here from the A to Z Challenge!
2015 A to Z Blogger
Visions of Other Worlds
This reminds me of the scene in The Princess Bride where he falls down the hill shouting, "As You Wish…" π
~AJ Lauer
an A-Z Cohost
@ayjaylauer on Twitter
OMG! very well penned!
I like how the stunk of death was put. Well tried.
Do visit
OMG! Sad!!!
Thanks Roohi
Yes π
Thank you
Thanks Archana π
Oh is it? I wasn't aware of that
Well written !
Oh, very captivating – wanted to jump up and stop the fall… Sad:-( – But well told:-)
Brilliant characterisation and nuances in terms of details. Very well captured:)
Thanks Jyotsna
Oh Even I wanted to π
Thank you Ranveer