Disclaimer – Strictly Fiction!!

“I know you’re leaving in the morning when you wake up,
Leave me some kind of proof that it’s not a dream,
You are the only Exception……,”
My IPod nano played the Paramore song as I waited for the Delhi Rajdhani Express at Bombay Central Railway station. It was not the first time Arush fought with me. We have been fighting like cats and dogs since the day we met each other at College. I was his sweetheart and he my life. I remember the day when he proposed me at our college cafeteria in front of our juniors. To some it looked like a melodrama and to some it looked like fairy tale story. But today things have veered out drastically. I looked around the railway platform and observed a Sikh family waiting for the Rajdhani Express just like me. Tears welled down my eyes as I stood there helplessly at platform number 1 of Bombay Central railway station. I wiped my tears as they involuntarily rolled down my cheeks. Some say that birds of same feathers always flock together.
‘Now that you’re busy in your office work, I ‘m sure that one day you would die in harness leaving me all alone. For all our dreams won’t materialize and I am quite sure about it,’
I browsed through my cell phone messages. That was the message which angered him. How could a man forget his wedding anniversary?. Priorities change and people change but it is said that true love never fails. I strolled through the railway platform till the train arrived. I anticipated a phone call from Arush.
I looked around as the train arrived like a serpent, slowly and steadily. I boarded the train and hopelessly looked outside the window to see if he arrived.
‘Beep…Beep,’ I received a text message. It was Arush.
‘Honey, where are you?. Tried calling you. Didn’t you know today was the last day to pay our electricity bills?,’
I read his text message. Two minutes later he tried calling me once again. I cut the phone. I was a rebel since my childhood days. Maa always had issues about me.
‘Still Angry Sweety?,’ I read his other text message.
‘I don’t want to talk,’ I replied him.
It was 17th September. It was our 5th wedding anniversary. It was a red letter day in our life. I was all alone watching the Saas – Bahu soaps on Sony TV and my beau was busy attending Client meetings at his office in Singapore. I never demanded anything from him. All that I expected was just a phone call. It is true that expectation always hurts. He came back home after a week. He seemed to have forgotten me.
‘You will be loyal to me naaa,’ I always used to pester him during our memorable college days.
‘Yes Tanya…I will be loyal to you and who else. I am all yours,’
He used to reply whenever he was confronted with such questions. It is painful to be stranded all alone at home on your wedding anniversary. I was extremely hurt. He woke up from sleep after jet lag and smiled at me. I glared at him in reply to his smile.
‘Whats wrong Honey?,’ He smiled and got close to me.
‘Nothing wrong…,’ I got back to kitchen.
‘There is something bothering you,’ He followed me to kitchen.
I wiped the tears from my eyes. ‘You have changed Arush,’ I sobbed.
‘Tanya… tell me what happened lovely?,’ He got serious for once.
‘Why don’t you marry your work and live with your boss?,’ I said as I washed my face.
‘Work is important and I am surprised to hear such things from you,’He replied.
‘Yes work is important, but I would like to remind you that I was important too,’ I added. ‘I used to be your life and you said you would be loyal and committed to me,’
Arush had a charming personality that attracted many girls. I was lucky that I got married to my sweetheart. I was feeling lonely as I saw love being educed out of my life. I soon started feeling as if I was deprived of love.
‘And…I am still the same and you are my only love,’ He retorted.
‘I am sorry to say that. Your priorities have changed. You’re no longer mine,’ I replied.
‘Dammit… give me some break. I am tired of justifying things. You can leave me if you want…,’ He got vexed and left.
Today was a different day. I was going to leave Arush and Mumbai for once. It was all over. The train commenced sharp at 4.35 pm.
‘Tell me where are you Tanya?,’ I received another text message from him.
‘You know that…I had texted you already,’ I replied.
‘What…When…I didn’t get any such text..Tell me where are you?,’ I received another text message from him.
I soon investigated my cell phone to check the message only to realize that the text message was not delivered. I was allotted a seat with a Parsi family. They amiable chatted with me and the journey was good. The old Parsi couples treated me as their own kin and made me feel comfortable. I enjoyed the scenic beauty of the mountains and rivers as the train moved. The train reached New Delhi Railway station at 8.30 am as per the scheduled time.
I carried my luggage and stepped outside. I saw Arush standing in front of me. He smiled at me to which I grimaced.
‘For some reasons, you look more gorgeous when you are angry,’ He smiled again and collected the luggage from me.
‘Maa told you about this?,’ I curiously asked him.
‘Yes…She had called me and informed me about your visit ,so we all wanted to surprise you,’
‘So it was all planned…you guys are so bad,’ I hugged him.
‘Of course darling. You are the same rebel kid Tanya,’ Maa told me as I observed my family members who came to pick me.
‘Love you guys..’ I hugged my mother.
‘Today I promise you that I won’t let work come in between you and me,’ He kissed me on my cheeks.
‘And if it comes then..,’ I winked.
‘Then you can expect me to be at this place…Promises are promises,’ He said.
‘Idiot..My love for you is true..How could you even think of leaving me?,’ He added.
‘I am so sorry Arush..I promise I won’t do that again..,’ I promised him.
‘We are going to Maldives…. so how excited are you? ,’ He asked me.
‘Maldives..wow,’ I said and hugged him.
‘Jiju – Didi. 2nd Honeymoon..Ahem,’ my younger sister laughed. It’s true that true love triumphs and at the end of the day its true love never fails.
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WOWWWWWWW I truly enjoyed this story. Read every word of it. U have captured the women insecurities very well. It even gave me teary eyes! 🙂 I just dint understand the topic "Birds of a feather flock together" I suppose u mean true love happens between birds of a feather. I think I agree with u. It has always been a bird of a different feather 😉 Maybe that is why I have not tasted such true love yet where I might be so sweetly surprised! Expectations are indeed sorrow I AGREE, but then love is about expectations.
Thank you Jerly. Its kind of you.I am glad that you liked it