Waking up at Noontide,
I think of life as a roller coaster ride.
Up and down,it goes round ,
Round and Round without any bound.
Up it goes,
Life’s good times it shows,
When friends were not foes,
Melancholous tears apart.
I lay awake,eyes wide open,
Still chasing those desirious dreams.
Reminiscing,I look at the stunning sun,
with rays of hopes it evokes.
I recall those days of rain,
thinking of which gives me pain.
Joy,my enemy.
Sorrow,my best friend.
Yesterday’s mess ,
is today’s stress.
bad I feel,
sad i am
hoping against hopes,
to change tears to smile.
is what i wish,
today and tommorow

Submitted for One Single Impression prompt: descent. This is my first poem after 9 months.I really don’t know how it has turned up.Waiting for your comments
I hope you are able to realize your dreams!
u know i loved it so very much !! kinda song 🙂
i told u before also that i loved it…it was amazing…and specially when the poem comes from my story king 😛
n yes the most important part was..we all have the shares of dissapointements in life..so i am sure every1 will relate to this poem…keep writing 🙂
you told me once you wish to go back to poem writing… and here you are…
nice Solitary Writer…keep up!
Its nice…a "roller coaster" poem!
interesting! 🙂
Scribblers Inc.
It's beautiful.. coz most of us are going through all these emotions deep down.. a roller coaster ride of mixed emotions- tears n fear..
A common wind blowing across everyone's heart!
Very well written Ste.. lookin forward to more of these 🙂
heyyyyyy….stibumama…kill u for the stupid suspense…i told u its wonderful..painful..but deep and well written..n u called it crappy…wait till i c u online….
hmmmm….now i get it….!
a good one without doubt…
u write wonderful poetry stibumama…so continue writing!
take care!
god bless!
nice.. liked the title and these lines..
"hoping against hopes,
to change tears to smile."
Faded hope is what keeps everyone of us going…for ever and ever….
hi STE how are you dear??
missed coming to you since a long time….will try n be regular now..!!
as of the post…sweet and nice….you are writing a poem after 9 months…??? good yaar…and you are a wonderful writer…!!!
it was nice..!!!
a deep descent indeed
may tears change to a smile ~
dark nights of the soul sometimes feel lice an icelandic night.
may you befriend neutrality and joy as well.
Interesting blog, glad I found it, will be back for sure!!!
really beautiful work…
keep it up
n nice picture too 🙂
This is emotional and heartfelt. I think we can all relate to the feelings in this piece and it resonates with the reader. I'm happy you are writing. P.S., I really like your banner on your blog : )
"Yesterday's mess ,
is today's stress.
bad I feel,
sad i am" How true!
ty sandy
ty pratsee
thanks a lot shwets
amity me
its just a scribble
ty scribblers inc
thanks a lot shruti
thanks to u for title 🙂
hehe glad that u like it
thanks a lot vishnu
thank u beautiful mind
m good yamini 🙂
i m glad u like it thank u
ty tammie lee
thank a lot pearl
thank u brahm will check ur blog soon
ty amal bro
write girl
thanks a lot
i m glad u love my header
thanks a lot stanis
thank u evry one fr the beautiful comments!!
Glad I visited your blog ! The poem is nice..I loved it felt good reading it..