You have been a great inspiration for me.
At times I struggled ,you were the one who supported me.
When all were against me,it was you who was on my side.
When I cried ,you were the only one who soothed me.
I was looking for help and it was you who stood by me.
You always thanked me ,but I owe all my credits to you.
You were annoyed when I spoke against our loved ones.
You have been a friend,guide and a philosopher.
your suggestions always helped me.
A peice of advice was all that I required from you.
I hurted you, made you cry and even sad.
Even then you called me a best friend.
You always want me to be first in life.
You got angry when I wasted my time.
It were you who changed my life.
My life would be incomplete without you.
You scolded me when I was naughty at times.
You helped me,when I was tired.
You accompanied me when I nervous.
It was on your shoulders that I relied much.
I trusted you and you trusted me.
But now everything is gone,
Every one is against me.
But I don’t care ,but I do wait only for you.
I am going ,
I am going forever.
Thank you for all that you have done for me.
Thank you for considering me as a best friend.
Kill me,hurt me ,leave me.
But do remember me,
for I remember you as a person who changed my life.
I am going,far and away,
but will back soon.
Do remember me for the rest of your life.
Only thing I can say you now ,
Keep waiting,
I promise I will be back ,as soon as possible.

What’s your reaction?
awww..that was so sweet and touching
Only thing I can say you now ,
Keep waiting,
I promise I will be back ,as soon as possible.
loved these particularly..
nd d frst one 2 appreciate..
that was so sweeeeeettttttt….
a very hopeful poem…
visit mine
kindly leave a few comments……
Steph..Just loved it.I ahve to read more of your writings.There was pain,anxieties,expectations, above all love..
That made the post so special.
keep writing…
Oh this is so b’ful n touchy…
Can I know the inspiration behind??
gud share….
omg u make such a wonderful poet mate….it was short and beautiful…that gurl might just love it…wish u write more man!! good luck..
oh yeah sachhi u wanted the know the inspiration :p
oh yeah i wud let u know soon :p
friend this is wonderful…reminded me of someone…
Very expressive!
If you do not mind, there were some grammatical errors, else it is a really nice piece! 🙂
oh yeah even i knew it :p…
thank god u never read my stories
well i write instantly so seldom get time to rectify it…
ty for letting me know
wow! tht was sweet!
normally i m nt into romantic poetries much.. bt the way u d written it… it s sorta good!
Only thing I can say you now ,
Keep writing,
I promise I will be back ,as soon as possible.
I just loved this poem! I’m speechless!!
nice poem!!!
I don’t have to say words I just can say that it was brilliant!!!
ty vinayak and aditya 🙂
Just loved the way uv strung the words!! Beautiful 🙂
ty :d :p
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that was really touching..
Wonderfully put thoughts!!
Touching …Its quite sad to part with your best friends , but we are forced to and we are always grateful for the person who was beside us and changed us , but the saddest thing is going apart from very those whom we love so much !!
i loved all of your poems.they express a lot….
check out mine too @