“Abba, I’m going to attend Esteban’s Rock concert this weekend,” Mustafa stated.
“No, you’re not,” his father, said brusquely
He was a diehard fan of Rockstar Esteban.
How I could even afford to miss my idol Esteban’s concert when he would be performing in Mumbai, he thought.
He decided to ignore his father’s words this time and secretely booked his tickets.
It was Saturday. The entire Mumbai complex was packed with over 90 thousand Esteban fans.
Esteban sang his favourite “Freedom Sake…” song
Mustafa spotted his Abba and ran towards him as he saw him pressing a button.

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You really know to pack a punch, Steph!
This is brilliant writing!
Thank you for writing for #FridayFotoFiction
Omg!!! But that's how it happens most of the time! Wonderful Ste. Thank you for linking up with #FridayFotoFiction
A good suspense story in few words. Loved it.