Wednesday Wonders – THIS IS FOR YOU, AND YOU KNOW IT!

In the search of my lost friend,
hopelessly I wandered.
As he being a guide,
inspiration and a mentor.
Days changed into months and years.
Seasons after seasons,
Searched hopefully,
Through harsher weather.
Would have not believed in miracles,
hadn’t been that night, when I found you
when my heart sang in delight,
for the blessing showered on my plight.
I found the source of my joy
in thy friendly bonding.
Strangers just a while ago,
Became friends, didn’t we?
True, “Language”
does wonders, to people’s hearts.
“Special” is a word
that suits you the most.
We will talk again my friend,
and smile again together too.
I wish to be that true friend
without the shades of virtual curiosity.
I do have faith, where I stand,
We will remain friends forever,
You aren’t a stranger anymore,
As to me, you are my lost friend
Lost friends do come back
As you have come to mine.
Some times later,
on the crossroads of life,
when you pass by me
I won’t give you a strange look
But, smile and say,
No words to describe how I feel,
I don’t know what to say,
My happiness has gone extreme,
I’m dying for words,
to express my happiness,
In this world of virtuality,
I found a comrade just like me,
together we cry,
together we smile,
together we fight,
with all might,
For days I pined for this,
in search of this bliss.
hey steph, beautiful dedication to callie! may she have a lot more days in the blogging world.
WOW!!! STIBU.. you are my sweet friend I told you.. being friends with you is one of the best things that happened to me in blogsville..
thank you so much for the dedication.. and not to forget you are the first person on blogsville for whom i wrote a poem..
God bless.. and stick around for me alright.. i will need you throughout..
Kewl dedication dude… am sure she will be around for a long time here 🙂
take care mate… cheers…
Awwwwwwwwwwwww 🙂
pink orchid’s blog dont seem to be a 100 day old … she is rocking and running too fast … may she get all the success that someone like her deserves!
*sob sob sob sob sob sob*
itna pyaar…itnaa pyaar…..itnaaaaaa pyaar…
*sob sob sob sob sob*
Borrows ste’s hanky…
*Empties the contents of his nose*
God bless….Ste woh chota ladka tere jaise lag raha hain..ghonchuddin-e-aibak 🙂
Stibuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu there couldnt something sweeter in this whole wide world!!
i so wanted to be your wednesday wonder the day I read your first one of this series…
thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much.. i have already told you a million times how much you mean to me!
thank you so much for everything Baccha..
love you loads!!
you are the cutest jerry ever!! muah!!
gosh just a while ago i told kajal u both really make me cry …and specially u ste…..
* sob sob*
u did that yest aur aaj bhi
*again sobs *
mere tom aur jerry …kuch to kam rulayo 😛
But ste and kaj as i said before u truly r best forever and will be forever…..
and kaj is amazing at creativity trust me she will go million yrs 😀
and u both rock
and ste ur poems….gosh made me so senti…now u better bear the effect…* sob sob*
but still u both rock 😀
Love you guys and ya WL rocks 😀
Wow….a very lovely dedication…. 🙂
..really yaar u hv written very b’ful lines for ur frnd..!! no words u r damn good dis was direct frm dat bottom of ur where u treasure ur endless emotions..!!;)
Long live friendship…
… I just want to thank you again, for inviting me to TWL…
I’m still enjoying my vacation. Spent sometime in writing this story. want you to read it and tell me how it is. Hope you like it.
Mistake: A Scary reason @ Thus Wrote Tan!