Disclaimer – All characters in this story are fictitious. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 Things seemed to have changed after the melodrama which Ankita had  created. I am not the ...

This is my 301st post. Another milestone!! Over 300 posts in 5 years and still going good. Thanks All!! Disclaimer – All Characters are fictitious!!Read Part1,Part2 and Part 3. ‘Arey..first tell me what promise..what ..,’ ...

 Disclaimer – this is a work of fiction. Images have been taken from Google images.Continued from Part 1 & Part 2 ‘Thats it Rahul….Its enough…this is too bad…,’ She continued. ‘Whaaatt did she say?,’ I ...

 Disclaimer – All characters are fictitious.  😛 Continued from Part1 I was hoping against hopes.Out of every 100 friend request which I send to random girls, only 1 accepts my friend request. I appreciate that girls ...