Breaking Free The Nightmarish Struggle for Peace

Breaking Free: The Nightmarish Struggle for Peace

A zillion dreams arrest me,
In the grip of endless night,
Waging wars against time’s relentless tide,
No refuge, no sanctuary in sight.
I die a thousand deaths,
Each breath heavier than the last.
Worn and weary, I drag myself home,
But your eyes, they watch, they wait—
Filling the room with a predatory chill.

Your desires, dark and hungry,
Fray my nerves, steal my strength,
Yet you smile as I undress,
A hunter savoring the scent.
My bare flesh, you worship,
But it’s no love, no tender touch.
You draw me in, closer still,
And there, you suck—
Hard, deep, relentless.

It stings, it tears,
A pain that leaves me gasping,
But oh, how I crave rest,
Begging for the solace of sleep.
Not tonight, please,
I plead, let me go,
Find another to torment,
To drain, to devour.

Yet you stand there,
Your gaze—cold, calculating—
Pinning me down like prey,
Watching, waiting,
For my resolve to break.
But tonight, O sinister fiend,
I’ve had enough.
My hand strikes—
The sound, a thunderclap of defiance.

Blood spills, the sharp red of victory,
And at last, peace wraps around me,
Silent, eternal.
I sleep, undisturbed,
Forever free,
No more wars, no more pain—
Just endless night,
And I am finally at rest.

The Solitary Writer
Step right up, it's Ste's show! Join me on my writing journey where I dish out witty tales, thought-provoking poems, and quirky musings on life. I'm a social justice warrior who sneaks in some humor wherever I can. Book, movie, and cultural critiques included. Buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride!