The Ultimate Gift of Life
For years, I craved for the purest form of love. Love, to me, was the name of a place that I had never heard of! When she stepped into my life, I was confused for a definite phase thinking her to be another random stranger who would eventually bid adieu to me some day after showering me with love. But that never happened. Her love for me was what money to Donald Trump and Camera to Narendra Modi. She loved me crazily and somehow when I reflect back I realise that it was the same love that I actually pined for since ages.
She filled the void left in my life by my mother whom I admired the most. Her unconditional love inspired me in a lot of ways. Her love spoke of bonds that stick together. Birds of same feathers flock together and I thought that we both belonged to the same breed. We both were made for each other. I still think of those amazing moments when I held her hands and walked down the street where I met her for the first time. It was a flea market at the Town side where she was arguing with a vendor. Her voice instantly attracted me. I was buying gifts for my friend’s daughter.
This was new to me. I was never allowed to walk out of my house for shopping or even to enjoy life to the fullest. Papa feared that there was a constant threat to my life. But after Papa’s assassination life veered out drastically. Mother kept me away from the party men who desperately wanted to get me into our party. I was never fond of politics.

But the day I saw this pretty damsel, I fell in love with her instantly. I liked the way she walked, she talked and her every single gesture inclined me towards her. At a closer glance, I realized that she was a pretty woman. Maybe the Lord himself had sent her into my life. I was drawn closer to her. Her eyes were the most riveting feature of her face. Eyes adorned by beautiful eyelashes mesmerized me. An arched eyebrow sat over her mascara clad eyes.
Every time she blinked her eyes, my heart skipped a beat. Her perfect arched eyebrows looked like the bow of an archer as if it was ready to pierce my heart any moment. Her long haughty nose spoke highly of elegance. Her rich looks, her rosy lips, and the milky smooth skin attracted me. It was then I realized what people often call as Love at first sight. Love to me was something too trivial for me until she stepped into my life. One day I gathered enough courage and expressed what my heart had ordered me to say.
She hesitated at first and even refused to accept me as a part of her life. But somehow she realized that I was made for her. She never knew about my background. Being the ex-Home Ministers’ son never gave me any kind of happiness in my life just that I was guarded by security men and police officers everywhere I went. I asked her out and that day she promised me that we could be friends. But later, the friendship bloomed into love and love turned into something that defined my life. She stormed into my life and I gave her everything that she wished for. I gave her my share of happiness in her life.
I painted her life with beautiful colors. She was the ultimate gift of my life that I’d ever received. For someone who craved the purest form of love, life became too generous and fulfilled all my wishes. Living life together with her was my only dream. But that dream was short-lived. Now, tears copiously roll down my cheeks after I see her walking along the footpath after finishing her jobs. Oh, Lord! Is this how you treat my precious Queen? I asked looking skywards. A melancholy struck into her life and the entire world turned upside down.
For once I had promised her that – ‘even if the sky comes falling down, for you there is nothing in the world I wouldn’t do!’ But I remained there helplessly watching my lady love walking along the street. I soon follow her from behind. I wanted to tell her that I’m there to instill back the lost happiness. But sadly by then, our life that was filled with beautiful colors, the colors started fading away! She rummaged through her handbag for the house keys. She located it and managed to open the door. I quickly entered and followed her inside.
She lolled on the couch and looked at our wedding photo. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she touched the photo. “I’ll not let tears invade your face !” I said this to her during the early days of our relationship and I helplessly stood there watching her cry. ‘Oh lord, you can’t do this to the ultimate gift of my life,’ I said to myself. It was the same time that my beloved lady’s hands reached the Good Knight active plus vaporizer machine. She plugged it and switched it on.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO………………” I screamed at the top of my voice. I collided with the wall. During this process, my wings brushed against the wall. Her life had become a living hell since the day the goons from our own party jabbed the knife into my stomach and killed me. “I love you…,” I said and closed my eyes. My wings detached from my body as I lay there in a state of stasis.
‘I am writing this post towards #Blog&Celebrate contest by Novemberschild‘
Amazing narration, Ste. Loved the details of the scene and the description 🙂
First question is this fiction or real story?
The most important present you can ever give to another – and to yourself – is the gift of love. Without strings. Without conditions. Without judgments.
Just pure love and acceptance. Of course, day-to-day occurrences can push our buttons in so many different ways. But, whatever tensions arise, let’s do all we can to stay spacious and reconnect with our heart. May we all give and receive the gift of boundless love as often as we can, spreading it far and wide. It can be understood only through the heart.Love is the greatest gift of God. Learn the art of it. Learn the song of it, the celebration of it. It is an absolute need: just as the body cannot survive without food, the soul cannot survive without love. Love is the nourishment of the soul, it is the beginning of all that is great, it is the door of the divine.
Thank you for writing for the contest. Top 4 to be announced soon. Keep a watch on my tweets.