Every blogger in this blog world aspires to reach a milestone for some period of time. Like some might want to write 1000 posts. Some might wish to publish a book and many goals as such! When I stepped into this year 2016, I never had any blogging goals as such. I was even sceptical if I would even have sufficient time to blog or even visit my blog. But on the last day of the year, I feeling relaxed and perplexed at the same time. My blogging calendar every year starts with the One Night Stand on a New year night post that exposes the life of a mischief monger who preys on innocent girls. Each post of this series conveys messages that have a deep meaning associated with it. But unfortunately for the past few years, I’ve been disturbed for some reasons as a result of which I couldn’t blog better.

I am not a blogger who brags about statistics as such. But sometimes the realisation that you got some many amazing people reading your blog itself amazes me. But seeing my blog reaching a milestone always awakens the blogger inside me. To be frank, I never thought I would be a better blog. I am a lazy blogger. I come across many bloggers who put in so many efforts despite doing their everyday chores. When I compare myself with these folks, I feel ashamed.
On a personal front, there is nothing great that happening in my life. The much-desired job switch never happened though I would closely work on improving my skill sets this year. I thought of working on some new skills and tools but unfortunately, that plan itself went for a toss. But still, I won’t complain and crib about 2016. All that I ask at this point of time is some mental peace in my life. Maybe I need to go for a short trip. Parents had been looking for a girl for me to get married. Maybe that would get postponed for some period of time.
I never visited any new place this year. I am disappointed with this. It’s okay! people can get busy too. In 2017, I’ll work on my aspirations and goals. I got to get fit and get going. I know life would be painful at times. But ignoring all the problems that life offers will make your life better. I will continue with the 2017 blogging with the ONS posts.

I will contribute to a poor student’s education and maybe even plan to sponsor his fees. I have many plans as such but only things will say. This happens to be the 100th post of this year. I have written 659 blog posts in my 11 years of blogging. But I have never published 100 blog posts in any year. The closest that I reached to 100 was 99 in 2015 and 95 in 2009. Writing 100 blog posts in a year is not an achievement but it satisfies me as a blogger. I’m happy that I did this! It has been pending since long.
I am back to regular blogging!
Let the force be with you all! Power to you, my dear people 🙂

‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
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