1. Always have a nameplate outside the house: This marks the ownership of the house to you and it welcomes new opportunities and new beginnings your way.
2. Use lamps and diyas: Light from lamps and diyas are known to cleanse the home and avoid any kind of negative energy into the house.
3. Kitchen placement: The kitchen should always be in the south-east corner of the house. If not, north-west can also be considered as an option. Irrespective of the placement of the kitchen, the placement of the stove should always be towards the south-east direction.
4. Avoid keeping medicines in the kitchen: Keeping the medicines away from the kitchen means that you are healthy and happy whereas medicines in the kitchen can mean totally opposite, that is you are prone to being sick and unhappy.
5. Put up some wind chimes: The noise generated can totally shoo off the negative energy in and around the house.
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Vastu science is old. So old that one can not precisely say as to when it made its appearance. Perhaps it is contemporary to Vedic Science. Vastu Shastra is really important for living if you know the meaning of living. We need air to breathe, water and food for body but that is not all. This all is avialable to a prisoner but he is not living, that cant be called life.