Cells research has been proved instrumental in minimizing impacts of many diseases. They are even used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Research is being made in west for depression which involves brain stimulation which depends on the principle of EMI – Electromagnetic Induction. PET scan is another innovation which helps in diagnosing many illnesses. Rebuilder System for neuropathy and chronic pain, non invasive glucose monitor, relieve pads for headaches, blindness reversal with stem cells, Electric helmets for slowing brain tumors, Migraine reduction using dopamine transporters are few of the major innovations in the medical field in the last 2 decades. PET scan is also used in the treatment of cancer and is considered as a new hope for cancer. Diagnosing breast cancer and early treatment has also been made easier. Early mastectomy to remove the breast cancer causing cells have been successful in minimizing breast cancer risks. Angelina Jolie has recently done double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer.

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Stem cell therapy is an intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury.
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