This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 28; the 28th Edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The topic for this month is ‘BLANK PAGES’.

They live together in their journey of life. Seasons change and bring joy and mirth in peopleβs life who seeks happiness through small things. They love each other. Sometimes life can be harsh, even harsher. Some say that life could be bitch at times. Life would be bitch for people who really consider it as a bitch. Everyone has a different perspective towards life. Happy moments in life could be overshadowed by the sadness which occurs in installments for a transient period. But we fail to learn from what life teaches us. We should not fail to understand that life is the best teacher. Problems do exist in life but one should not run behind those problems. A best strategy would be to tear of the pages which troubles you for you still have ample of blank pages in the notebook. Start a new journey, scribble on a fresh page. I tell you that life is not a roller-coaster life for everyone, you make your life. Every person born in this world is determined to struggle. This is a painful journey filled with struggle, melancholy, sorrow, joy, mirth etc. Its on his hands to transform the sorrows into happiness and melancholy into joy. I relate the blank pages as an amalgamation of different feelings and human behaviour .While in sorrow just tear of the pages. When you see sorrow in those pages crush them and when you see happiness just preserve those wonderful pages. The pages will haunt you for it still loves you. The loved one becomes an integral part of your life and at one period of time they become possessive over you. You turn busy and pay less attention to them. They might feel that you fail to care them. Relationship may become sour and that might even hurt you. Thatβs the time you question yourselfβWhy did I even write on those blank pages?”.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
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Interesting reflections on life.
Keeping the pages blank is also a kind of expression.. so one needs to think before keeping page blank as well!! A good reflection.
Beautiful and so fragile!
You expressed each and everything with exact words and extent !
Loved the way you compared those blank pages with someone's heart and the whole life inter-related with it!
Superb! π π
All the best!
that was an interesting topic, i wish i wud have participated this time. As for ur post, i have observed that when u r reflecting over life u tend to become wise π
but crushing and tearing those blank pages once written is a hard task…so i would rather just turn on to a new fresh, blank page and start writing something new π
The post is so nice that i am unable to leave the comment space blank:)
Deep Insights and well written π
Lovely read! you're a very good writer! π
I am glad to see a lot of people relating relationships with 'Blank Pages'.
The protagonist from my post reminisces the story behind the blank pages.
I am not for destruction so the thought about tearing up pages does not fully appeal to me but I know people who swear by it. To each their own, different people have different ways of expressing their emotions.
I hope I have not gone overboard with my comment on your post. I do appreciate the positive yet cautious approach you speak of in your post but these were just my two cents π
//roblems do exist in life but one should not run behind those problems. A best strategy would be to tear of the pages which troubles you for you still have ample of blank pages in the notebook. Start a new journey, scribble on a fresh page. //
Awesome, the thing I like in you is when we guys come up with the cliched stories, you try and make a proper post out of the titles!
Lovely write there!!
Cheers!!! do stop by my blog, Kappu
Well written!
Thank you so much Stephi for blessing me your precious support in blog a ton contest π
But still I am missing your views there π
haha you think so…i just try to think differently….have been attending lots of innovation and creativity sessions at office π
thank you fool
The way you drew the analogy was superb…but could have made it a little more entertaining…interesting read anyway…