Β Once I happened to bump into myΒ friends flat. HeΒ thought of narrating me his experience in Bangalore. I thought it would be fun but neverthelessΒ he made it sound serious.My friend lets say SRK was posted to Bangalore after his training.It was a completely different and an alienΒ city for him. He was alloted aΒ guest house for one week. After that he had to vacate the room and search for a new home. He tried his level best for a new home.Alas! he couldn’t find oneΒ .He’d made a new friend at his bangalore office in form his Manager lets say Karan. His manager lived alone and he was searching for a flat mate.By no time ,he offered a room to SRK .At first SRK hesitated. SRK soon realized that his manager was a kind man and was a gentleman for sure. He nodded his head and left for his new home. Soon there was peace at home and SRK was known to be a discipline lover. He believes that cleanliness is next to godliness. Every day he would get up early and do the daily cleaning chores. To impress his manager he would do everything. Days passed by and they both became good friends.Β
It was one fine Saturday night and my friend SRK and his bossΒ Karan were returning back from a movie. SRK and Karan now became best friends. Everyone at office believed that SRK was close toΒ their boss Karan that theyΒ started thinking that they both were having extra marital affairs. Well my friend SRK never knew all this and even though if he knew all that then I am damn sure he would give a deaf ear to all the gossips about him and his boss Karan. Annual appraisals were approaching and everyone was sure that SRK would get an A+ and 40 % increment. But little did they knew that SRK was a hard work and not a boss’s buttlicker. Although he shared his room with his boss ,SRK was clean at heart and was only attracted towards females. Appraisal results were out and SRK as expectedΒ by everyone got A+ and 40% hike. He believed that it was his dedication and diligence at work which helped him achieve this merit. The same night there was something else in stores for him.Β
He entered the home and saw his boss Karan preparing dinner for him. SRK was amazed and Karan’s gesture had impressed him.Β
“Hey sweety SRK ,come man,” Karan’s seductive approach frightened SRK. He was flummoxed by this action of his boss and he was scared for once.
“Come na ,darling come sit close to me baby, ” Karan addedΒ to whichΒ SRK turned a straight face.
“Sir, I’m not the one whom you are thinking,” SRK said.
” I’m straight and I’ve a beautifulΒ girlfriend to whom I am getting married next year,” SRK added.
“Oh no !baby …don’t tell this…your love for me might be fake ..but my love for you is true…24Karat Gold honey!! …why don’t you understand it..,” Karan sobbed.
“I don’t want our relationship to fizzle.. and end drastically ,” He wept
“Gibberish!what non sense….what relationship..” SRK got furious for once.
“Darling…come na…come close to me…,” Karan said and went near SRK.
“Shooo go away …i am not your types…go go get lost ….,” SRK tried to escape from Karan.
The next day SRK left the flat. He went to the office and everyone started cracking jokes on him and their boss Karan. They all declared SRK and Karan as true lovers and some referred them as Gay. But only my friend SRK knew that he was straight and it was then he realized why peopleΒ never became friends with Karan.
I could not stop laughing when my friend narrated me this story. I almost died laughing.Β

How many of you have come across such things in life? . Every day I see same sex couples who love each other. Even girls love girls and so on in case of guys. We admire their caring and love but in todaysΒ generation it makes one raise their eye browsΒ when they come across such people. Yes they are humans too and they have their own feelings but nevertheless its a shock to the culture. Apart from this there are several other issues too. I came across a case where a 13 year oldΒ kid got his 14 year old girlfriend pregnant and soonedΒ she gave birth to a beautiful baby . I was wonderingΒ that things which we did in our early twenties are done by kids in their early teens. Yes, the world is changing and so is the culture. Rapes everyday,Incests etc are shocking and they degrade things.Even a 6 year old kid these days has a girlfriend. I used to carry the big sack of books when I was 6 year old. My 3 year old neice has a cell phone. Whaaaaaat!!!!! Believe me!. Its true.Kya…Sahi mei Shock Laga yeh sab sunke!!!

What a story!!!
Naah, i am not shocked, i guess i am immuned to such degradation that our culture is embracing these days in the pretext of advancement.
Expressing Love is changing…
Technology is popularizing it too
both conventional & Unconventional
Even though I am so not homophobic and consider and respect them as individuals – I am totally against kid having boyfriends/girlfriends and cell phones…their innocence is lost. Oh, I loved the story – a bit shocking to find (imagine) the boss in kitchen cooking π Poor SRK.
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Well if you made SRK and karan as the gay characters, then you must know I share my birth-date with SRK and the mockery here upsets me π
But indeed the conversation, come here baby, come na darling from a guy for guy is simply hilarious!!!
Poor freshers are an easy target always !! π
haha…its indeed shocking and disturbing to see such events happening everyday! I have played with dolls till the age of 13-14yrs and now a days all my younger cousins do is chat on various social networking sites..donno what future holds for them!
If we compare our childhood with that of our grandfather, ours is too modern and similarly is the case with the present generation kids.
This is a never ending story. Cultural shocks are passed from our fathers to us and will keep on passing to our kids and so on.
Even I thought of writing on this topic earlier but then decided that now being a homosexual is no longer wrecking a storm in people's minds, slowly the attitude is changing & hopefully this will be considered normal as opposed to some people labeling it as a disease. However the case of teenage pregnancy still remains a cultural shock not only in India but also the west.Nice post π
yes u r definitely right.. things are changing around us and it might be a shock for us now but in coming years.. these things will be common.. nice article
hehe dis actually reminds me of sumthin dat happend wid my bro n his frn.
dey went to buy chocolates at sum fancy place n d salesman dere was touchin deir shoulders n askin weird questions like r u singl.
poor guys. freaked out.
ran out of d store without even gettin d parcel gift wrapped π
n yes i too died laughin tho d hilarity mite not cum across in d comment.
i too belv in d whole funda of- to each his own, bt dats only in my head.
fr real tho, in such a situation id definitely not react wel n frnkly its nobodys fault. i think!
yes times are indeed changing, and not always for the best. my friend had a similar experience , but with his teacher. glad i didn't study in his school coz i teased him a lot, but it would have been wierd if it happened to me. when you see things younger kids do nowadays it makes you miss the "good old days".