She is a part of one’s life and she serves different roles in an individuals life. She is somebodyβs daughter,mother,sister,wife and so on. She has many different roles to play in her life. She easily fulfills all the roles that she is put into. As a mother she takes care of her kids.As a sister ,she guides her siblings and parents in the household work. As a wife ,she performs daily household chores. As a teacher ,she imbues knowledge into her student. Life is a playground for her and she assumes the role of different actress in this movie of life.

This post ,I dedicate to the females out here. This goes to the moms,sisters,teachers,girlfriends,female colleagues and every female out here in blog world. A woman has an important role in a menβs life. She nurtures him since the first minute of his life. She cares for him in form of being a good guardian and monitors him.A mother takes 20 years to make a men out of her boy and it takes just 20 minutes for another woman to make a fool out of him. Such is the impact of life in modern era. It takes long time to make name and gem of a character but it hardly takes a minute to ruin the good work and the appreciations. Mother is like the nucleus in an atom. She is like the sun which provides us with light and a source of energy. Maa,as we may call her is someone who is our support structure. For ages I have drenched my pillows with tears missing my mother. I wish she sat next to me and gave me some courageous words. Never mess with a your mother ,she watches you and knows each minute details about you. This post comes as a dedication to Womanβs day last month. Sister is like your spine. You never know her worth until she moves away to her husbandβs place. That is the day when you emotionally feel her absence. She is naughty at times and fights with you everyday and night and makes you know that you have someone who constantly remembers you.

Sister makes you feel that you are not alone in this world and she is always there for you to encourage and motivate you in your hardtimes. Woman have this important role in every menβs life. She should be respected and honored in every aspect of life. Look at her with pride and treat them equally.
Honour every woman you meet in your life. You might not know the worth of each one of them. Never be harsh to your wife. Support her in the good deeds.Teach manners and great values to your daughters. Respect and educate them. Throughout my life I have come across many such females and I have many female rolemodels. I am not attached to my Momma a lot but I can say that she is the best mother one would ever get. I won’t say that my sister is the prettiest girl on Earth ,but she is an angel to us. There are little things in life that matters the most.These are the things which differentiates us. Finally before winding up ,I dedicate these wonderful lines for my very good friend whom I admire. For some silly cute Idiot friend of mine who is very kind and yeah she is a woman too. π
“Little things you do for me and nobody else makes me feel Good..that’s why I like to sit next to you and share my mad stories which I know that are not true”
PPS: I’m not promoting Vodafone π but i do use a Vodafone though
This goes to all females out here…. m/
nice post π
and co-incidentally, i gave a presentation today in my college which was on the same topic i.e., woman!
hi5 π
Hey Ste…back here after a long time..but i felt am back to one of my favorite places in the blogger's world..!!!
The first reason for me coming here is the title of the post…"For Her" coincidentally i wrote a tale just today with the same title..!!
but coming here, i read a complete different story about which I am proud of…thank you so much STE…loved the post..!!!
Women are definitely the most special creations of The Almighty…!!
but the sad part is that They are tortured, beaten and killed in the name of the same Almighty in some parts of the world…I hope they shall see wats freedom tastes like..!!!
thank you for the post STE..!!!
A tribute too late than the desired date. But then, why should we choose a particular day, or week or month to do what should be done.
No one can downplay her importance, so let it be acknowledged on any day at any time.
Nice post.
Blasphemous Aesthete
Good read.
Hope everyone realizes the role of women & treat them equally esp in our country.
Thankz for the follow-up.
Hope to see you often.
this is a very sweet post π
makes one value of being a gal
good job!
what a coincidence….im here after looooooong time to see your work : your tribute to us : ''females''I feel good….Cheers.
Here after long and the post i read is abt woman….wow cool…u wrote it great too π
This is wonderful! Very sweet π
Oh and Pushing Daisies is a TV show, I forget that not everyone has seen it!
hi 5 vinti dear
so how was the presentation dear
thanks a lot yamz…thats so kind of you to come back here after a long time …..touched
thanks a lot anshul…u have been my regular reader and kudos to you for visiting everytime the blog is updated… π
thanks a lot Neeha …hope to see u here again
thank you Fa
thank you olimpia aunt…good to see u here back
hey scribbling gal.
oye welcome back again…thanks a lot
thanks a lot for those wonderful words…well i have never heard abt this though
hi all thanks fr these wonderful words…. love u all
Excellent post! I can actual feel your feelings that u've at the tym of writing this post and the adjective u used in your write are amazing.
P.S: Thanks for visiting my blog your comment is worth for me and congrats u've a new follower cuz I like your blog!
nice post
u said all in this post
nothing is remained to say
just say that females are an important part of my life…
my mother ,my sister ,my grandmother all are special for me
thx u for the dedication: ) Its really good to hear a guy appreciating women"S role in our lives.
ps: i just love the vodaphone song : )