Story of Sathya

197.Ste…A Connoisseur of Human Relationships – By Amity Me

First, I would like to start this guest post with an acrostic that I have written, I guess, almost four months ago, and it was the Solitary Writer who inspired me to write about it. I was not contributing yet at Amias’ AO that time but I did have some fun writing acrostics already. Here it is:
Pen does its tasks
Of scribbling carefully
Each ideas and
Thoughts of the
Solitary writer.

Well, he often tells in some of his posts/comments that poetry writing is not his forte. But I would like to negate him for that matter.

I guess, if you know how to write, you are interested in trying some other forms of prose and poetry writing. Now I surmise, he’s kinda lazy trying it….lolz….peace to you son! But I guess I am exactly right!

I met him through the lounge. After that encounter with a stalker, I was about to give up being a member but some good-lounger-friends (Shraddha and Leo) assured me that comment moderation will solve the problem, or rather arrests future stalkers like that.

So I went active. I wrote. I came up with post after posts! Got some three votes for MOM nominations. (Ste, what’s up with this now?)

I learned that he is one of the co-founder of the lounge. He loves to write posts that are meant for attaining good interpersonal relationships with families and friends and all kinds of people. I always comment his works that he lectures like a psychologist, a master of human relations and he could do well as an HR head in a multi-national company. But he is an IT wizard I guess, a software engineering graduate if my memory serves me right.

When he said that he’s gonna be out for some months to work in a company where they will not be allowed to manipulate computers connected with the net, I was thinking at the back of my mind that they do not trust software engineers cause they might put their company in jeopardy…(hackers????).

Then he kindly asked me to do a guest post, I being a close buddy of him and maybe, I, being a member of the lounge where he manages, because he will be out for quite sometime and he is about to celebrate his 200th post. I was hesitant at first, but in the end finally accepted his request and hence, I will be doing his 198th post!

Without much ado, I wish you Ste that good fortune will come your way as you are about to plunge into the corporate world (rat race boy is the in thing there if you want to survive). You will surely experience some highs and lows in your career but do consider them as challenges or opportunities that will give you a pot of gold (share me some if you hit one..lolz…:)..:P). Work hard, work hard, work hard.

And of course, don’t forget the lounge and the people there. They are all part of your blogging life. Also, try to be visible in your own blog coz I know your followers will miss you and I am one.

Good luck in your journey and God bless.

(Folks, I consider Ste as a son to me and he’s just as happy calling me Mom….:) thanks Ste, it’s a privileged being called Mom by buddies like you…;)

I will always be a follower,

Story of Sathya

P.S. Please don’t hesitate to edit my work, okay? I would be glad if you do….:)
The Solitary Writer
Step right up, it's Ste's show! Join me on my writing journey where I dish out witty tales, thought-provoking poems, and quirky musings on life. I'm a social justice warrior who sneaks in some humor wherever I can. Book, movie, and cultural critiques included. Buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride!