This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. We give out a creative writing theme each weekend for Indian bloggers.

“Stop fretting about what others think about you. I know I can be wrong but I just want you to focus on your dreams.” He held his arms around her shoulder and said.
“But its the same every time,” she said. They paused for a while. He took her to a near by garden. They both sat on a chair. As he lit a cigarette, she glared at him.
He puffed out some smoke as she looked at him through her fiery eyes.
“Sweetheart, it’s like people don’t want you to succeed in life.” He said, dropping the cigarette butt on the ground. He jabbed the cigarette butt with his shoes and continued, “Thats how it operates.”
“I don’t understand,” she said.Her innocent eyes were moist with tears. She had cried the whole night thinking about her life.
“Some people in your life will come and try to demotivate you.They want you to fall and they derive pleasure on seeing you down. Do not Fret! You always have an option of ignoring them. Focus on your goals and one day you will excel.”
“But what do I do?” she asked.
“Sweety!Many such mischief mongers will come and go in this small life but all that you have to do is to disappoint them. Always remember that somethings matter only to you and your loved ones and ideally it should be that ways. Don’t care what the world has to say.”
“Ignorance is indeed is bliss,” she thought to her herself as they walked along the footpath.
The Solitary Writer is a blog which started as a hobby.Here you will find stories, poems, satirical posts, humour, photography and almost everything. This blog is the alter ego of a Technical guy who loves to be called as the Solitary Writer. Others call him Ste. He works as a Senior Quality Analyst in a leading Organisation and loves to break the codes and he likes to do things differently. Did you like this post? Get The Solitary Writers updates via Facebook or Twitter, better yet, subscribe to it via RSS Feed. Itβs easy, and free!Also you can discuss in the Forum. Comments are just another way to let me know how you feel.Don’t forget to comment.
Beautiful one…
Life becomes simple when there is someone who make u undstnd…. π
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yes, some people are really there to demotivate you all the time. Nice one, Stephen.
It's so true! But, people come to our lives for a reason. If they try to demotivate us, it's our victory to prove them wrong! π
nicely written. enjoyed reading it.
The picture upped the quotient for this post. Nice story…I was expecting a twist some where but am glad that you left it undiluted!
I don't agree with that, because ignorance can be very dangerous thing.
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