This blog post is written for the Wechat contest powered by Wechat and

Ages ago people used to go out at the electoral booth and vote for their respective candidates. They had immense faith in their candidates and those who feel could bring change would be their first choice. We should know our responsibility and roles as an individual and a citizen of this nation. Engaging youth and creating awareness is a major step to any social activity. One should remember that youth these days can create mass movements. If found an issue, we have thousands of them coming out on streets raising their voices.The real difficulty is in educating them to come out and vote for those people whom they want to rule their nation. But easily said, its difficult to implement. Indians have this typical mentality of not taking risks, they are averse to risks.When it comes to electing ourleaders we don’t seem to give out our 100%. Firstly
one should know that you have only one chance to give your nation a better leader. This leader would be a part of this democratic constitution who would bring change in this country. But sadly the youth of our nations seem to be active in raising their voices and concerns but not when it comes to action. I have always said before that action speaks louder than words. One should Act first and translate all their words into actions.
We as an individuals don’t have to right to reprimand the system and the government when we ourselves have been irresponsible. When something later goes wrong we as youth come on streets and create havoc’s. That doesn’t counts as a revolution. Its our job to go out and elect our representative who would listen to us and bring our nation in the path of progress.But the main question is how? Last few years statistics mention that the average youth voting turnover is not beyond 50%. Ours is a country with a massive population of over 128 billion out of which youth constitute the majority. Ideally the youth should proactively come out and vote for our nation on the Voting day. There are nation wide campaigns which emphasizes the need to vote and its significance but we give a deaf ear to all that. In this fast moving world, everything is moving rapidly from technology to innovations. There is something new coming up everyday. Technological advances have
not only made life easier but also complicated. During my Engineering final year,we came up with a project of online voting. That would still be a distant dream in India considering the different hindrances which prevent implementation of such systems. Latest are social networking. We could see SMS texts being used as a weapon to garner votes. How could we use social mobile applications to inspire and mobilize Indian youths to go out and vote. There are several social mobile apps like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Wechat, Whatsapp etc which are quite popular. One could exploit such social mobile mediums to reach youths. We could seek inspiration from the Western world where the average youth vote turnover is quite
higher than that in India. In the 2009 General Elections, I had received umpteen texts from several Political parties to vote for their candidates in a particular constituency. So how do we explore social mobile applications to serve our purpose. After thorough analysis I could jump to a conclusion that a majority of youths use Internet these days. The average Internet, Mobile phone usage is more and there are many of them are college going and Professionals in their 20’s and early 30’s. They can be reached via this social media medium. Our youth need to be educated on different aspects and an awareness should be created on how not voting would hurt the nation. These social mobile applications provide several fascinating features. These features provide the users with several options.They should give the user different facts and statistics about voting. Awareness can be created in form of one liner ads in Facebook, Twitter and other social mobile applications highlighting and emphasizing the need to vote. National and Regional political parties should set up their groups in popular social networking sites where interested people could be given details about the different candidates in a particular constituency representing their party. A well defined agenda should be in place in such groups which will describe the candidates achievements and what all promises they would deliver. Group messages, Chatrooms, Broadcast messages and several other options available. There are There are large number of youth actively taking part in various brand contests in several twitter contests. One could host contests on such media asking people to vote and all those who vote could be given prizes or something similar to this could be thought of.
Voting is the birth right of every individual who is born in this country and one should not forget to fulfil this
responsibility when it comes to electing the leader. The youth population should act and come in great numbers on the voting day. Youth are the powerhouse of every booming economy and the country depends on them. So,#voteforIndia, elect the right leader.
To all the youths reading this post, kindly go out in numbers and vote for India in the 2014 General Elections.
Jai Hind!
The Solitary Writer is a blog which started as a hobby.Here you will find stories, poems, satirical posts, humour, photography and almost everything. This blog is the alter ego of a Technical guy who loves to be called as the Solitary Writer. Others call him Ste. He works as a Senior Quality Analyst in a leading Organisation and loves to break the codes and he likes to do things differently. Did you like this post? Get The Solitary Writers updates via Facebook or Twitter, better yet, subscribe to it via RSS Feed. It’s easy, and free!Also you can discuss in the Forum. Comments are just another way to let me know how you feel.Don’t forget to comment.
Is our youth only a vote or more ? by K K garg