Disclaimer – Strictly Fiction!.Not intended to hurt anyone or any group of people!!

“Oh hurry up girl!,”Priyanka said to her best friend Zarine as they were walking towards the main gate of FCC College. It was a special day for them. After 3 years of togetherness, friendship, love and fun, their college journey was coming to an end. It was their farewell party.
“Hang up girl, I have to wear this red lipstick, baby,”Zarine retorted.
“Oh dearie…we are already late,”
“Oh it’s still 4.25… We have to reach by 5,” Zarine said and removed her red Lakme lipstick and started applying on her lips.
“Darling!! Won’t you take my pic,”She winked at her. Priyanka had a Nikon cool pix with her. It was said that she had stolen her brother’s camera while he was at home for vacations. He never knew that his own younger sister had taken his camera. He had to buy a new Sony Cyber shot – an expensive one. Priyanka always carried her Nikon cool pix and her Blackberry curve with her. She was techsavy. All the photos captured on her camera would definitely make an entry to her Facebook profile.
It was already 4.55 pm and finally Zarine had worked on her looks and they clicked 68 photos focussing her lips and face.
“Oh God! We have already taken 68 photos and our party has not yet started,” Priyanka said as she browsed through the photos on her camera.
“Don’t I look gorgeous?,”Zarine said as they both looked at their pictures.
It was sharp 5 pm and everyone assembled at the auditorium. It was the same auditorium where Zarine and Priyanka had gone for a singing audition but sadly they were not selected. Everyone gathered at the auditorium and sat on their seats along with their gangs.

“Good Evening Everyone!,”said Sharda Waghmare, the Principal of FCC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Kholipada.
“May we get in mam,”Priyanka and Zarine said in unison. “You girls can never be on time, huh,” Prof Sharda said.
“It is your last day at FCC and it’s disappointing. When will you girls learn?,” The professor said to which everyone present at the auditorium started laughing.
“Oh Pri.. She started again..This is so embarrassing,” Zarine whispered to her best friend. “You may enter,” The Professor allowed both the girls inside.
They both walked ceremoniously as if they both were walking on the ramp of a fashion show. Zarine hunted for a seat but she could only see an ensemble of students seated and as a result her eyes failed to spot vacant seats.
“Oh Zarine…come here, “Priyanka called her best friend as she located two empty seats at the front row.
“Oh no …front row.. You nuts or what,”Zarine uttered. Finally they both got settled. “That’s why I always asked you to be on time,” Priyanka glared at her.
“Oh whatever,”Zarine adjusted her hair and looked at her Galaxy S3 front camera to see if she was looking fine.
Everyone tried their best to look good as it was their last day. The professors gave their speech and then the party started.
“We have a DJ party and dinner arranged for you, ” Professor Sharda announced.
“Have fun and don’t misbehave. It’s show time guys!!, “ She said and the professors left for the staff room.

The DJ played some good Bollywood numbers and everyone danced like crazy. It was an evening to remember. Priyanka took her camera and clicked photos like crazy. By 8pm, she had already clicked 650 photos. There were few group photos with her friends and people who made her special. As they left everyone had tears in their eyes.
“I am feeling sad Pri,”Afshaan, one of their class mate said to Priyanka and Zarine. They all got emotional and cried.
“I don’t know what to say…we will stay in touch girls and guys,” Zarine smiled and again looked at her Galaxy S3 to see if she was looking fine.
“And yeah share the photos with us Pri,”Zach, a tall dashing lad said to her.
“Offcourse, all the photos would be going to my Facebook,” Priyanka smiled.
“Awesomeness babe!!,”Zach said and they all left. As they left, Priyanka and Zarine found something unusual. They looked at Ram Bihari Bose, their college watchman. He was sad and the girls had special bonding with the watchman as he used to let them enter the college premises when they were late.
“Ram bhaiyya…kya hum aapke sath ek photo keench sakte hai kya,” Priyanka politely asked the watchman.
“Kyun nai mem, zarur,” He said and they all took the photos together. By the end of the day, Priyanka had clicked 785 photos . She uploaded all the photos on Facebook under an Album named ‘Farewell day – Special Memories’. She tagged everyone on their respective photos.
Months passed and they all lost touch. They became busy in life and Facebook was the only medium through which they interacted and communicated with each other. After 3 months, Afshan had called Priyanka.
“Hey Afshan …how are you dear? ,”Priyanka greeted her friend Afshan.
“Yar..I ‘m good…I had to tell you something important,” She replied.
“I went to college today to collect my LC and learned that Ram Bihari was upset,” She added.
“Why? What is wrong with him?,”Priyanka said.
“Actually our juniors made fun of him after seeing his photos on your Facebook Album. Everyone mocked him and teased him. Someone tagged him on your Facebook Album photo and he wants his photos to be removed as soon as possible…,”
“Actually he was asking me your number?,”
“My number? For what?,”Priyanka said with a straight face.
“To tell you to remove his picture from Facebook,” Afshan replied.
“Please treat this as urgent,” Afshansaid and cut the phone call.
Priyanka pondered for some time. She soon called up her best friend Zarine who had gone for out for a date with one of her class mates Zach, the same tall dashing handsome guy who asked Priyanka for the farewell day photos. She tried calling Zarine, but her phone was switched off.

Priyanka got busy with her Post Graduation studies and eventually she forgot. Few months later, she received a phone call from Afshan.
“Yeah Afshan, tell me..,”Priyanka said.
“Yar..Shocking news …,”Afshan replied. “What? What’s the news?,” Priyanka retorted.
“Ram Bihari is no more. He was found dead in his room last night,” Afshan’s voice went low.
“Oh this is sad…,” Priyanka said
“Please see the TV .All news channels are telecasting his news. No one knows the reason for his mysterious death,”Afshan said and cut the phone.
Priyanka soon called Zarine to her home and they both saw the news. All news channels were showing about Ram Bihari’s death. Tears welled up in Priyanka’s eyes as she saw the news.
“FCC College watchman Ram Bihari found dead at his room,” said Akansha Gupta, the beautiful news reporter of Kholipada News 23. “Oh how Pretty this Akansha girl is?,” Zarine said to Priyanka.
“Oh shut up!, I am worried Zarine,”Priyanka said.
“Oh baby!! Common chill!,” Zarine said.
“We are actually upset and we are trying our best to solve the mystery behind Ram Bihari’s death,” TheACP of Kholipada said.
“Kya Ravi jii, kya Ram Bihari ke koi dushman the kya?,” Anurag Pandye, PaidPress reporter asked Ravi Bihari, the elder brother of Ram Bihari.
“Arey Kahe baat karat ho aap…Humara Golu Molu ka koi dost hi nai thaa toh Dushman kaha se aayega… Gazab karte ho aap Media wale,” Ravi Bihari said.
Zarine laughed and imitated Ravi Bihari. ” Arey Priyanka..kahe ka tensionwa le rahi ho aap,” Zarine said to Priyanka and she laughed.
“Ravi ji…hum aapke chotte bhai Ram ke baarei mei prashn puch rahe hai ..koi Golu Molu ke baarei mei nahi,” Reporter Anurag Pandye got vexed for once.
“Arey Anurag jii… Humar Golu Molu eee Tohar Ram Bihari hai,” Ravi said. Priyanka flipped through the TV Channels to see what actually happened.
Months passed and even years, no one knew the reason behind Ram Bihari’s mysterious death. Priyanka heard the news that Ram Bihari’s case was going to be transferred to CMI. His case was listed in the top 15 mysterious crimes list.
It’s true that time flies. 7 years passed and CMI finally came up and finally the case was closed. CMI called for a press conference and announced that Ram Bihari’s death was not a murder and further announced that it was a suicide.
By then Priyanka had got married to a rich Businessman and had a beautiful daughter. They all were watching the press conference on TV.
“We searched Ram Bihari’s house and we discovered a hand written letter from his kitchen,” The Officer said.
“It took 9 years for you guys to find out this,” Anurag Pandye of PaidPress News said.
“Oh yes…Infact he had put this letter inside the turmeric powder bottle inside his kitchen,”The Officer announced.
“So. How did you find that?,”Reporters from other news channels bombarded the officers with various questions.

“Well one of our Constable had taken this turmeric powder bottle to his home. His wife had asked him to buy Turmeric powder for daily cooking purpose. Constable Thambre saw a turmeric powder bottle at Ram Bihari’s home.He decided not to buy a new one and took it with him,” The Officer said with a straight face.
“Yeah…may be the Constable didn’t knew that it was already 9 years. His wife thrashed him out of his home when she came to know that the turmeric powder had already expired. She send him out of the house along with the turmeric powder bottle. When he opened the bottle to check, Constable Thambre saw the letter,” The Officer said.
Priyanka and her family were watching everything the CMI Officer said at the Press Conference which was showed on the TV.
“Can you please share the contents of this letter written by Ram Bihari?,” the Reporters said in unison.
” 11th February 2002.
I iz Ram Bihari Bose . I iz from Ranipur. I iz 39 yar vold.Aaj, I iz too many upzet with me. My life iz suckus.College ke bachhe makes funs of me. I iz unmarried. I got no girls for marriage.All girls says no for me to marriage me. With many difficult moments, I tells my friends about this. Everyones at Ranipur nos that I iz works on College in Kholipada. Friend tells me that I start Bacebook. I soon starts Bacebook and I iz put my photu with nice Coat and Shirt. I puts works as works at FCC College as HOD for English dept. I iz happy and everyone iz .I told my house people that I works as English Teacher in College. But after reads this you nos how bad my English iz. The Thakur of Ranipur agrees to give me his doter to marriage me. I iz became so happy. But my life is change after one day.It iz farewel day and few Memni’s took mera fotu. I iz happy when they took fotu with me.But life iz big sad after they put that fotu in Bacebook and one girl tag me in Bacebook.The Thakur daughter(also my Piyansi) in my Bacebook. She saw that picture of my where I wear Watchman dress and smile with girl showing teeth. She soon unfriend me and tells no to marriage. All came to no that I not Professor and me iz Watchman at College. Now how iz I show my bace to aal peepul of Ranipur. They bill make fun of my and no girl bud marriage me. I decide to gib up my life. I cut my neck bit my knibe. Jai Hind…,”
Everyone turned emotional as the CMI Officer read the letter. Priyanka had tears on her eyes.
“Sorry Ram Bihari. I wish I had not uploaded your photo,” Priyanka said as tear drops rolled on her cheeks.
Image Courtesy – All Images have been taken from Google Images.
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Very sad and gripping story! sounds realistic too! Beautifully penned!
You never know the dire consequences of fb! BTW, nice work of fiction. Keep it up 🙂
very nice read..ultimate work of yours…nice thought process which binds the story in a grip..keep going:)
Another realistic 'fiction of urs'. The detail of constable bringing up the expired turmeric home and all, sounds a different take
The darker side of social networking.. Nicely done.
nice read..bt y did he hide suicide not in turmeric bottle
perfectly aimed at something important for today's generation