This is the story about a girl from modern India who believed in the power of free spirit. She was a modern girl who could fend for herself. She didn’t have to support her family as she was the youngest child of the family and she had 3 elder brothers to look after her. She had lived away from her family most of the life. As a result of this, she fell prey to bad company of friends and bad habits. She smoked as well as consumed alcohol. This is the story of Nikita Iyer, a Telecom Engineer from Teleca India Ltd.

Nikita was born and brought up in Mumbai, the city of dreams. She was the youngest and the most pampered kid in her family since her childhood. When she was young everyone used to bring her presents every time they visited her house. She moved away from her family as she turned 17 in order to pursue B.E. She lived in a hostel and studied in Premier College of Engineering and Technology which is located at New Delhi. She used to get in touch with her family members through phone and Internet. She used to party every Saturday night with her friends. It was during her 2nd year of Engineering that she got addicted to Cigarettes and Hookah. Every day after college she would lounge at the Hookah Club of Delhi. She made a boyfriend during one such visit to the Club. The first time she saw him, she fell for him. They both spoke their heart out. He was tall and smart, just like any girl would wish for. He impressed her on their first meet itself. Strange that we sometimes get close to strangers and the greatest irony is that at some point of time the Stranger forms an integral part of our life. Although she was a spoilt brat, she jelled well with her friends and studied well. For her family she was a gem. But the core reality would disgust them when they would come to know about their daughter’s discipline. She gradually completed her studies and got placed in Teleca India its, a famous Telecom company. She joined the company as a Telecom Engineer. As every coin has two sides, she had a bad habit of accessing anywhere and everywhere. She had all her closed friends and family members on her Facebook profile. Facebook was emerging as a popular social networking site. She had a regret in her life, the deepest regret. Her association with the Punjabi guy, her boyfriend broke abruptly as she found him hanging out with other girls. She felt that he was not loyal to her and citing this as a reason, she broke up with him. During her relationship of 4 years with him, she had a very wonderful and intimate moment with him .Even he was added as a friend on her Facebook profile but no one knew about their relationship. He was outraged by her decision of breaking up with him. He wanted to take revenge. It was during that time when she was assigned a new job role where she had an onsite task for 1 year. She accepted the new role as she was desperately waiting for a change after the sour moment of her life. She happily bid bye to her family as she left for Finland, the headquarters of Teleca. She turned busier in life as she had to explore the new job profile. At times she would also get in touch through her parents through Skype and Yahoo Messenger. Little did she know that a major shock awaited her in form of her troubled ex boyfriend who was charged up to spoil her life. During her relationship, they had clicked pictures together. He had few of her intimate photos with him. He uploaded all the photos to Facebook where the couples were found kissing, smooching and cuddling with each other.

The updates reached her entire network of friends. Some of her best and close friends even unfriended her as they found that offensive. No one actually could believe this part of her. They could not accept it. Her cousin brother called Nikita’s family as he discovered her photos on Internet and Porn websites. Her entire family was completely shocked as they saw the photos. They had never dreamt about this even in their wildest dream. They called her and asked her to connect through Skype. Later that night, Nikita came to know about all this. She sobbed and cried like anything for having trusted the Punjabi guy who was hell bent to ruin her life. Her love for him was true but infidelity factor changed her mind. She never wanted to give him a second chance but that proved her costly. She report abused the photos to and removed her ex boyfriend from her Facebook friends list. She was clearly upset because of all these happenings and believed that lately her life was caught in a funk. Her parents forced her to return to India. She could not convince them and also could not explain them. She cried at her own plight. It was a Facebook tag which actually made her life miserable. She came back to India. She was persuaded to get married. She realized that she was wrong and the biggest mistake of her life was to trust someone whom she loved. A tear drop rolled down her cheeks as she agreed to get married. She had a dream, a dream to earn lots of money and become someone famous. She saw her dream in trouble as it was nipped in the bud. Each day she spent a sleepless night thinking of her future. She deactivated her Facebook profile for it destroyed out all the happiness from her life. She got married to a Tamil Brahmin guy who worked as a Software Engineer in some MNC at Chennai.
Moral – Always trust someone in your life who can wipe out the tears from your face. Never trust someone who will make you cry. Life is too short and it should not be spend trusting rogues who could not think anything better than destroying your happiness. Love someone who will show you happiness and promises to be together in this journey of life. So identify someone who will live for you and love the same person who will make you happy. Never commit the same mistake which Nikita did, of trusting a wrong person.
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your life is on your hand. Always be careful. I added your link in to my blogs. kindly add mine too.
How true yet how difficult to find the right people to trust
Gosh that was scary!! Trust can so easliy be broken!
love your moral.
People often seek for revenge when relationships end in a bad note. We must be careful.. Trust is not something to be done easily.
The story was an eye opener.
Well put 🙂
A true incident for many. The problem is how to decide, whom to trust and whom not to?
That's really upsetting
Great Post!!
Social Networking can end up in disasters like this. Sadly there are so many Nikitas in reality as well.
Stories like these are pretty much in news these days, Its very upsetting how socializing can turn out to be used for such unkind revenges
Hello solitary writer! nicely written. great how u can write on topics like this, and the one below, autobiography of a sperm, with equal ease and perfection! 🙂
welcome us as ur new followers 🙂
do drop by our blog sometime, follow if u like what u see!
the blog is a virtual surprise for my bestie, id be glad if u could drop by your wishes!
thats true.. trust can be easily broken.. It is very difficult to find trustworthy people in this world.. glad you visited my blog… and i am happy to visit yours too <3
I am following you ..<3
Mine is a beauty blog.. follow if you wish..
Moral: when u break up remove all the evidences of ur relationship 😛
Gosh that was scary!! Trust can so easliy be broken!