To kill the wretch,
they took an oath.
Of bullets and guns,
they were fed.
They settled the tiff,
which was so stiff.
Fight was tight,
the scene was not so bright.
to topple the enemy was their only might.
The knave’s ruthless acts annoyed ’em ,
to kill and clear them was their prime aim.
Heroes skills were prominent,
but the rogue’s were dominant.
To freed people,devoid of harm,
Erase and Evade danger was their plan.
Hopping out from the Arsenal,
with armours and guns,
they shoot out the brutal force,
for the dangers they posed.
Brave are they,strong their heart,
to reach and protect every soul was their goal.
They fiercely accept the bullets on their chest,
without bothering to return back to their nest.
Lets salute our heroes,
who tackled the zeroes.
May their soul rest in peace.

Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan
On 26th November,Mumbai lost its brave sons in the event of fighting against terrorism.Around 11 top cops were killed, which included Hemant Karkare,Vijay Salaskar ,Ashok Kamte,Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan and many other officers.It was one of the most high profile attack ever carried out on the city.The city lost its true son in the event of tackling terrorism.Lets pray for these officers who have lost their lives, just for the betterment of the city and its people.May their souls rest in peace.
very well put ste…i told u na..u r a better poet..
but comin to d topic…its really sad…toooo bad…its like unbelievable…
hope it all ends soon…
god knows when these guys will realise n stop….its like all cities one by one…dis being d worst hit….whr r we heading…!!
aww– steph, that was well written. I read the news and too sad to hear those killings…whata brutal way of firing their guns killing those innoscents people. I pray and hope that this will end and justice will prevail. Very deadly.
Hope none of ur family were involve or killed. Take care!
Damn terrorist!
very sad indeed it is
goes to show how unprepared we are
Hey ste!!
Really well written!!..Couldn’t have but any better!!
The whole thing is way too excruciating!!..My brother is in Mumbai!!And I was worried sick!!Hopefully everything would improve!!
You in Mumbai right??…so how are things with you!! Hopefully good!!
Adios amigos!!
I am truly horrified to see all that on TV… It all goes down to one question… “Where is the human race heading to?” How can humans kill their fellow humans like that??? How do they sleep peacefully at night after causing so much bloodshed of so many innocents… how can they smile when they know they’ve ruined so many families? And that the damage they’ve done can never be undone, no matter how much they repent, how much they feel sorry…. they ruined happy families…
I may be a Pakistani… but we have a much stronger relation.. and that’s the relation of humanity. Believe you me, it’s a tragedy, and we are as much victims of this as you are because this is an attack on all humanity.
My condolences to the families that suffered.
Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones.
Mindless violence. Thank you for your post.
Hope peace and sanity prevail soon…
… you have to know Im there with all my heart….I feel like an indian …I love you , jai hind !
wonderful…was gonna write something similar for the “bravehearts”…
plzzz chk
Salutes to these brave souls!
May their souls rest in peace!
A thankful nation and more specifically, an indebted city, can never, one hopes, forget their valour and courage, and unconditional and unstinting sacrifice for the nation!
Well expressed, Stephen!
thnk u for that….i cant imagine that we have lost our top officers yaar…may be this is a tribute to them
mysk lyke
we can only pray for that….and yeah nothing happened to my family …..hope it all ends soon
yes it does shows how unprepared we r ,but at time we dont knw wht happens of a sudden
we didnt expect all that … did we
i hope ur brother is fine….yes i am in mumbai and every one here is fine ……but the condition in mumbai is still the same although its 2 days by nw
yes may the souls rest in peace
kartz read ur post
its good
that was so sweet of u…..
yes u r one amonsgt us……ur our fellow indian frnd from romania……we all from india love u
jai hind
ty and yes will read ur posts soon
yes we shud salute these brave souls who sacrificed their life for us…our city and nation will miss them most
mehak :p
donno where is the human race heading to…but its for sure that these ppl r not humans … coz humans have feelings and emotions for they are rock which is devoid of feelings ,,,… can they afford to kill innocent people ….can u imagine …..walking on a street and some random guy firing on u…..strange yaar……am sad…and we lost our main officers in this process of counter attacking terrorism….
every one is fine here……
u knw wht
my best frnds dad is no longer with us……
i am sad that his dad got killed in this brutal attack carried out by the terrorists
Great post! now the situation is to “do or die” enough talks, treaties and compromises.
No political parties or a leader is reliable. We all have to stand, stand strong and powerful together.
where is Raj now …where is his goondas(so called MNS volenteers)??
seems he is still busy in dividing the nation among youths
terrorist demanding kashmir and hydrabad. raj must be
thanking they are not asking for maharashtra.
Its us who get carried away can the world expect that
we are united indians.hope such political parties will respect the sacrifice of army, police officials.hope such polictical parties will stop dividng our country.
As a nation to counter terrorism, India needs to be more
agressive and diplomatic.
Great post buddy !!
Kudos Stephen..very well said!
It is really a pathetic situation..completely a mess and total havoc all over!
All these brave souls..they deserve all the respect and INDIA SALUTES ALL THOSE WHO ARE FIGHTING HARD TO SOLVE THE SITUATION.
I pray that everything gets resolved asap..
Very well written indeed! Its heart wrenching to see those realities in life! God give strength to Mumbai people to overcome this trauma…
Atleast some one bothere to write something on this, We need people like ou to handle the coubtry politics. Just look at these selfish giants whom we call “Netas..”.. All disintegrated… all individuals fighting for a “kursi”…
My country is loosing men and they are bothered about loosing the chair which they are supposed to occupy for the welfare of the Country.
Day in and day out we are loosing men we need and the number of such hollow drums is constantly increasing..
The Mumbai terorist attack.. frightens me. Not only becaus eI have people there but also because it indicates that they dare to do it to MY country.. to OUR country… And if the political scene was not so loose or weak this could have been avoided. Why wouldn’t they do it to a country where men who govern it are not for each other?
All I can do for now is hope and pray for things to set themselves right.
Salute to the Indian Army and Police.. The NSG and all men who are fighting with their livs at stake. And Mr./Mrs. Politicians… LEARN SUMTHING!!.. Make your lives worthwhile …else leave the positions that some day by mistake people among us gave to you.
Jai HInd!
nicely done stephen!!!
sad situation well put in words…
salutations to those who lost their lives defending us…!!
and equally, to hell with those terrorists who are spilling our blood…!!
kudos dude…
Nicely expressed!!
God bless their Souls and their family to fight from this bad phase of their life.God Bless everybody
gauri hope soo yaar
leo thanks a lot dude
we can just support our frnds
yes the situation is like do or die
iu guess u shud read my next post ……
thanks yaar
i know its a mess out here…hope ki it all ends well
thnks for ur comments
yes alisha
quite true……i support ur views for true
you know, these three picture keep flashing in front of my eyes all the time.It feels so bad to see them dead.Just keep wondering what their families must be going through.
We’ll salute them,bid farewell and we’ll move on.
But how will their families come to terms with their loss??
It hurts.really.
god bless them.
yes i took it from one of the tv channels……i wonder wht their family members wud do ……..but they shud be proud that they have lost their family member for the nation
very well put bro ! 🙂 keep d gr8 work going !
did ashok kamte die in this attack.. I noe that the other two did.. ??
btw.. awesome.. very much moved…I too salute the heroes.. not only the police officers but also the NSG personnel …
well written.
comment on mine:
yes manpreet we have to salute our heroes
but they have lost their life in this battle
we shud salute our nsg commando’s too
Salutes to these brave souls! May their souls rest in peace! We all Pray for the victims, light a candle,and take a pledge to fight terror. Really well written!!.
we shud salute our heroes
jai hind
thanks a lot guys for ur comments and lets be together as indians
My heart goes out to all who lost their lives and for the heros and their families. Such senseless sick violence and anger at innocent people. You are so close to home with all of this..I’m so sorry and hope for some kind of healing as time goes on..and I hope this never happens again there as those wackos who were out for revenge hopefully have learned that they will not get away with if they try again.
Love and Blessings to you and all of your countrymen and women..
Must say thats a truly touching tribute to the ones who lost their lives protecting us and the nation. Whats even more encouraging is the fact that you have presented facts the way it is irrespective of region, religion, etc.
I would suggest you to be a part of the ‘Rebuild India’ mission. Just submit the link to this article on the following link
Its all we people who gotta create awareness and be aware about our neighbours,surrounding, strangers.
Only 1 thing can perish Terrorism beyond existance- YOUTH POWER.
thanks a lot for ur comments
hope it reaches my country men
yes sweta
rightly said yar
sure will leave my link thre
and ty for ur comments
a lot has been said of this .. so i will just say, you wrote a nice dedication ..
a lot has been said of this
ok thanks a lot
A wonderfully written post. I’m so sad about these events. I just can’t understand human nature sometimes. 🙁
thnks for dropping by here
even i am sad for such events which cost so many life
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Very nice tribute to the true sons of Mumbai, as opposed to the self proclaimed ones like Raj Thakeray and his sena
reminded of the terror attcks yet again 🙁