Romantic Friday Writers is a blog fest every Friday. Many thanks to L’Aussie and Francine Howarth for creating this fun event, showcasing the work of many fine writers. Click on the icon at the end ...

 This is my entry for the Monsoon Madness @ Lounge contest at the Writers Lounge   ‘Daddy, Can I ask you something ?,’ Little Tarun asked his father Muthu. ‘Sure dear, whats that you want ...

 Disclaimer – This is a work of fiction.continued from part 1 .‘So I guess we can proceed ,’ The new entrant spoke ‘Everyone meet Miss. Aanya Sethi , the head of Telus  group,’ and Mr ...

Disclaimer:All characters are fictitious! “Shiva ,are your eyes open?are you watching me ,when will you freed me from all the distress and all my problems?,”Jaganath Singh cried. His daughter Chanda was getting married in 2 ...