The other day I and my friends were discussing a bug that stormed into the application and didn’t plan to leave it soon. So during the spare time at tea,  we decided to ...

Life had completely changed for once after we got our joining dates some 8 months ago.Now,its too difficult to relive the same moments today.Each and every days of ITP was special .Starting from the behavioural ...

“You are fit to be a farmer!” this is what my Mom used to say when I flunked in my exams or didn’t studied.But I sometimes used to think and even ponder on these lines.Why ...

“Are we high,”Sandeeep asked Ste.“Are we?,”Ste replied back. “I guess we are,” Sandeep said.“How?,”Ste asked him.“Guess Guess,”Sandeep grinned.“Tell me naa bhai,”Ste got vexed. “We both are drinking Beer,”Sandeep said.“So,we are high ehh,”Ste said.“No,” Sandeep said.“We ...