Bygone days are bygone,” he said, “Promise me that days from now would be full of happiness and mirth!”
“Yes, my love for you has just increased exponentially!” she declared, “No device or instrument can measure my love for you.”
He smiled.
“You, me, Us forever!,” he said.
“So what about the Art?” she asked curiously.
So why is she now asking about his art? Something fishy? We are nearing to Z and at this moment of time, why talking is she talking about something that served as a primary reason for their break up earlier?
If you want to read all the parts then click here -> https://www.thesolitarywriter.com/search/label/AtoZ2016
If you want to read all the parts then click here -> https://www.thesolitarywriter.com/search/label/AtoZ2016
This blog post is written as a part of the A to Z Challenge annually held in April every year.
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No, no…its just an innocent question I am sure. They will have a happy ending I am sure!
@KalaRavi16 from
Love, Love Love in d air.
It's happy, happy ending smoothly:)
It's happy, happy ending smoothly:)