24th April 2011
Folks today I happen to meet a wonderful little kid while I was talking to a friend in a nearby garden. He was unaware that I was shooting him but nevertheless I got something from him. Here I present you the video of my first short film. SMILE
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Despite of the insufficiencies in his life, he is so carefree…It overwhelmes me…
Thanks for sharing.
I love the video, seriously. Sometimes, you need small events in life to teach you the big things…this kid teaches us to embrace the life as it comes.
Thanks TSW for acknowledging me 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀
So you were really serious that day when you told me that you want to make short films. 😛
Good effort. Loved the concept.
And I hope Moolya knows that he is the lead actor of your first film. 😉
good one ! good work with the video..
I share the same views. Liked your blog very much.
Tech Mentro
It's people like Moolya who give unknowingly give hope to the rest of the whining world. To share my similar views, check out my blog svanikabala.wordpress.com 🙂