Dreams are a part of our life.Scientists believe that one portion of your brain is reserved for interpreting old memories.It is this portion of your brain which is responsible for something called dreams. It has to do with phsychological state of the person.Trust me some times there are cases where dreams may scare you up. Last night or early morning to be precise I dreamnt something .I am not sure how could a certain group of things arrive at that particular point of time in my dream.It was like watching a feature film where you play a lead protagonist. I felt the same until some group of school kids woke me up at sharp 5.28 am. It was a different thing apart from snakes,ghosts,lizards etc.So I still remember it. So I am going to write about it…at the end I will ask you something and I expect a reply from all you guys out here.

I am no soothsayer, or dream interpreter Ste, but I am quite amazed of such dream you had…maybe in your subconscious mind, the girl with you on the train had a feelings for you in real world or vice versa.
taking off her clothes in front of you? she wants to reveal so many personal things about you in her life, which she might have done already while you chat online…and the two guys, they are friends, but you know friends come and go…isn't it? that's why they left you without saying a word or two…
well, you might have eaten so much before bedtime and that's the reason why you've got a lot of dreams…and why all of you in a train? well, you've said they are your blogging buddies and it means you have a common interests…:)
these are just my thoughts, don't consider it as an exact interpretation…:)
Hey Ste, first of all its just a dream… I too get such wierd dreams most of the time… its just that, we tend to dream of those things that we want to experience in our lifetime… so it may be that you want to meet your friends…
and same here this is just what I think, this may or may not be an exact interpretation…
all i get frm ur dream is that…ur INSANE!! kaisi kaisi soch hai tumhari!! lolzz …
mazak tha yaar..dnt take it criusly..
mayb u wanna meet thm in real lyf.. u dnt realise that..but sumwer deep inside u hav a desire to meet n know these people in person..u dnt think about it much but ur sub concious mind shows u all that in yr dreams…
evn i had a dream..like this in that…i met More Orangee…i ddnt see his face though…thr was sum black stuff instead of his face..n it said "Citizen Of Nutopia"… 😛 😛 so chill re….its just a dream….
but criusly …it was gross…washing clothes!!! n naked!!! ewww ewww!!
Interpretation of your dream can be done in hundreds of way ste! Cos no one among us is a dream interpreter and everyone have their own perspective cos of which we can derive hundreds of different meaning with your dream. In the end after reading all those you will get more confused and troubled only friend. First of all it was a dream. Forget about it and dont let it trouble your mind. You have been troubling your self too much thinking some thing or other. Make your self busy with some other work. Something which you like. Maybe you are right. You do need a big break from networking!! Take care of your self Stephen!!!
Well, dreams are dreams. Some can be interpreted, some can't. Most probably, you have some feelings for the girl, and also protective of her. I'm assuming the two other guys are also people you talk to often online, so share a common bond. Train journey probably coz you wanna see the scenic part of south India. Most dreams are part of your subconscious desires. As for getting them naked, I really can't for my life figure that bit out. Maybe you feel the girl is too outgoing, or frivolous in real life. That'd actually happened with me in a dream.
Well, that's my bit. See what others make of it 😀