Long story, Cut short – I shouldn’t have done that. Confined to my bed room, I observed the Facebook videos that went viral. It featured me dancing with joy after I won the Mumbai Marathon in record time. It was a memorable moment in my life.
I wish that day didn’t exist. If I could erase a day from my life, it would be that day. I ceremoniously stormed inside the room, proudly facing the media and big shots from the fashion world. I tripped down as my eyes caught the attention of a big Bollywood celebrity seated in front of me.
Tears roll down my cheek copiously as I move my wheel chair away from my laptop. Doctors say it was an Extreme case of a fibial aneurysm and my Fibial Artery stopped supplying blood to my right knee!

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ohh my god, that's so sad. Damn the celebrity! Damn every thing, freak accidents like these alter lives. Thanks for linking up with #FridayFotoFiction.
It's shocking how quickly a happy moment can turn on its head to become your worst memory.