“Women are from Venus.” He said.
“Relationship survives on trust and when trust ceases to exist then everything goes for a toss.” He said, “Men and Women should understand each other.”
“I love you and care for you.”
“Really? So did you forgive me?” she asked.
“Really? So did you forgive me?” she asked.
“No,” he said, brusquely.
“Oh why now?” she asked curiously.
Do you think he really meant it? Why would he not forgive her now? Write in the comment section what you think about this?
If you want to read all the parts then click here -> https://www.thesolitarywriter.com/search/label/AtoZ2016
Do you think he really meant it? Why would he not forgive her now? Write in the comment section what you think about this?
If you want to read all the parts then click here -> https://www.thesolitarywriter.com/search/label/AtoZ2016
This blog post is written as a part of the A to Z Challenge annually held in April every year.
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tick tock tick tock tick tock, wondering where this is going 🙂
Have to see what He has to say? Maybe he's not so easily the forgive-forget types!
@KalaRavi16 from
yeah now why? What's in his mind!!
A Whimsical Medley
Twinkle Eyed Traveller
He is just trying to refrain his position in her life.