“Love is not like a Xmas tree,” he said, “Love is forever. It’s not like a Xmas tree that’s decorated only once in a year. Love is something special. It should be celebrated every day, every single day.” He added.
“Wow, I’m impressed, you are great!” she said.
“Greatness is earned, no?” he confirmed.
So , after all, Greatness is earned and not self-proclaimed. DO you also think the same? What do you think? Write in the comment section. You thoughts?
If you want to read all the parts then click here -> https://www.thesolitarywriter.com/search/label/AtoZ2016
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Beautiful line 🙂
Love is not an xmas tree .
That is so true, love cannot be restricted to a single day….its always there! Happy times are ahead 🙂
@KalaRavi16 from