For me adventure is pushing the limits that races my heart and keeps me feel alive, Something that makes the heart dance violently! I’m an adventure beast! Adventure Monger! Anything that you call me. I love flirting with danger and adventure is the bridge that bridges the gap between me and the danger. You can find me sleeping on that bridge.
Everyone is confined to a comfort bubble! It’s this comfort bubble that restricts us to normal activities. This bubble is the culprit for the monotonous life that we live. It’s time to get uncomfortable and break the comfort bubble. Let the world and people judge you. But let not their words affect or impact you. That’s what differentiates most of us and adventurous folks. It’s the attitude to raise the bar and cross the limit. Go beyond the Zenith and fly like a bird! Now that’s adventure to me. Go and break the comfort bubble. Let your heart race fast,let it pulsate rapidly.
Lub Dub, Lub Dub, Lub Dub! When the adrenaline rush happens, adventure sneaks peaks from no where and infuses a new excitement and that’s when your heart goes Lub Dub, Lub Dub! This sound invokes a new desire, a desire to break all the boundaries and barriers. It’s a sweet music to me, a beautiful music! Adventure releases a zillion butterflies into my stomach. The crazy adventurous butterflies just like me. When I embark on an adventures journey, its these butterflies that flutter their wings wildly and motivate me. I love these adventurous butterflies within me.
Adventure means learning about new places. Its like traversing the coordinates across the world. Its like strolling on unknown lanes, reading sign boards on an unknown language and clicking a selfie with the locals of that place.
“I had a dream the other night, on why we only get one life?” We all have a one life. You only live once- YOLO, then why not live an adventurous life.
Go out and do crazy stuffs. Travel on a local train with no tickets. Escape when the TTE asks for a ticket. Walk on the roads with no shoes or socks. Show the sun that you can tackle its 45 degree heat and walk bare foot. Meander to an unknown land and learn their language. Drink water from the hand pump. Ride an auto with the autodriver as your passenger. Let the auto kiss the potholes. Let his heart go young once again! Make someone’s day! I have done all this 😀 See the proof! That’s me and the Autodriver. Okay, just the Autodriver. I was actually clicking this photograph of Viren ji and his Autorickshaw!

Such all things may seem silly to most of us but the amount of excitement and happiness it gives me can’t be measured by any instrument in this world. Explore everything!
Stepping into the kitchen for the first time and cooking a new dish is adventure to me. Its about the small happiness that we get by doing things that are new to us.
Go and Teach a skill to a roadside beggar begging for alms and coins. Never give him a fish for a day, instead teach him how to fish! Thats a popular adage. Such things are small but such adventures not only make you happy but others too!
Life is like a T20 cricket game. You can see its outcome soon. Let not failure overshadow you. Treat it as a challenge and go miles to prove that you can do anything for your own happiness and lead a satisfied life. Adventure isn’t all about climbing a hill top, throwing yourself from a bridge , diving deep into the oceans. For me adventure is beyond all these.
It’s not about money or the latest fascinating items. It’s about exploring new places. Like I said before, I love traveling to new places, sleep at unfamiliar locations, embark on an unknown journey. Attach an invisible wings to your arm and fly high in the sky. Look at the world from the top and say – Yo baby! this is the life I wanna live, an adventurous life!
Let the heart race Lub Dub Lub! Let the adrenaline rush – fast, faster and the fastest!
And I just realized that I could be so adventurous that I could not write what adventure means to me in 400 words and it actually took me more than that. Ah! Blogging is so adventurous for me!
Bursting the comfort bubble is adventurous absolutely!