Story of Sathya

Unforgettable Childhood days!

“Mommy, see I made it,” I came running out of my room. I was just 5 . I had a white paper on one hand and Natraj pencil on the other.
“Momma, see I drew Chachin.”

“Aww, baby!”  She, said, feeding me a parle G biscuit and moved back to watching Shanti on Doordarshan.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
The Solitary Writer
Step right up, it's Ste's show! Join me on my writing journey where I dish out witty tales, thought-provoking poems, and quirky musings on life. I'm a social justice warrior who sneaks in some humor wherever I can. Book, movie, and cultural critiques included. Buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride!