158.Award & Tags!!! yippie!!

Ok…lets shoot!!I’ve been given this beautiful award by Leo.Thanks a lot Leo..

Rules of the Award:

* List five current obsessions.
* Pass the award on to five more fabulous blogs.
* On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
* When you post your five winners, make sure you link them as well.
* Don’t forget to let your winners know they won an award from you by leaving a comment on their blog.

My 5 Obsessions 🙂
1.Cadbury chocolates. 2.Blogging. 3.Mafia Wars. 4.Texts 5.Reading Novels(I’ve a great collection :p)

My 5 Fabulous bloggers
2.Esther Evelyn
Tag Time.
I’ve been tagged by my friends Aarthi and Simba Tago .Simple you just need to mention your brand names
My Perfume

My Watch

My Mobile Brand
My Current Addiction
My favourite Social Networking site
Favourite daily Newspaper
Pen brand

Pencil brand
Now I tag Pinkz,Parzi,Kasabiangirl,Aarthi,More Orangee,Pranksygang,Angel,Yellow Tulips,Vysu,Shruti,Esther,Shravan,The Aspirant,Suga

Step right up, it's Ste's show! Join me on my writing journey where I dish out witty tales, thought-provoking poems, and quirky musings on life. I'm a social justice warrior who sneaks in some humor wherever I can. Book, movie, and cultural critiques included. Buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride!
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